Getting MEP 14 to work in HD format

Jazoti wrote on 10/13/2008, 3:18 PM
My problem is that Movie Edit Pro 14 keeps locking. I can get the software to edit about 16 mins worth of HD quality video before it locks. This process is always the same no matter what video I import. The files are straight from my camera in MTS format. The first 16 mins work great. My PC spec is:

Intel Core 2 Quad (Q9550) @ 2.83Ghz (NEW) with 3.25Gb RAM running Windows XP pro with service pack 2. Graphics card NVIDIA Geforce 7900GTX with 512MB RAMDAC memory.

I have checked the system using Windows Task Manager which reports that the software has stopped responding? Looking at the Processes identifies that MEP is using about 1.4Gb of RAM (well within my spec) with only minimum system operations in effect, Total 1.9Gb of processes. Performance indicates that Page File usage is operating at less than 50% capacity. CPU usage indicates 60% usage before locking and 20% after MEP indicates failure. Hard drive space available for video processing is 107Gb. The original data files were easily transported onto this drive with no errors, total 50Gb.

All other applications work including latest video intensive games.

Any info would be greatly received. I've got my summer hols video in HD format on my PC but cannot process it... Aargh!!!

