Frantically trying to add music from my Library - pls help

Spicer wrote on 8/14/2010, 2:09 PM

I have been working on my slide show for weeks XTremePhotoSotry 8. I don't like the music in the Soundtrack Maker and get bring my music into Movie Show maker.  How do I add music that I have chosen and what is the easiest way to do it? I am so tired & need to get this done asap.  Please help if you can/

Thanks so much.


Donc wrote on 8/22/2010, 7:37 PM

Open your music in the program by importing.  Then highlight the music you want to include in the program. Then left click on the highlighted music with your mouse, drag it to the background music line on the storyboard and release the left mouse button.  Presto, it should be there.


Have fun!