facial recognition

Pamela-Stinson wrote on 10/15/2020, 11:40 AM

I'm getting a runtime error when trying to assign faces in Photo Manager Deluxe. The messages are "you recently worked on the FaceID. These changes are still being saved..." and "runtime Error! Program Photo Manager Deluxe, abnormal program termination for Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library" and then the program shuts down. I had the free version first and started the FaceID process, it worked perfectly, I then upgraded to the Deluxe program because I had more than 10 faces to find. I uninstalled the free version, installed the deluxe program. When I received the error the first time, I uninstalled the deluxe program and reinstalled it, just in case it didn't download correctly the first time. Still getting the error message. Keep in mind I'm a casual user, I don't have the ability to go into root programs and repair things - I'm too worried about creating new problems. Any easy suggestions for me? I've searched various websites and can't figure out what I need to do? I'm using Windows 10


JesperA wrote on 10/26/2020, 7:52 AM

I am having the exat same problem.

Just bought the Magix, and now it seams, that a lot of people are having the same problem, - and NO answers from MAGIX (Not the most magical way)