As already described here in this community post, a quasi-same problem occurs with me as well. It is 1:1 reproducible.
You create a new, empty website (e.g. 960px), make several text lines which is already enough. Now you install via Designer Pro (in my case) e.g. the Google font "Nunito" which is then imported/downloaded by Desogner Pro as the entire font family. As soon as you start formatting 2 of the several text lines that you have created in the document and formatted with "Nunito" with "Nunito Semibold" and "Nunito medium" the error occurs! When exporting as a website, the fonts "Nunito", "Nunito black", etc. "CANNOT be embedded". Even the wrong font names are displayed in the error! Nothing in the file was formatted with "Nuntio black" also the name gallery (what showed that fon "Nunito black" is "used" did not mark anything = no red point when active selected. The after error message generated and uploaded website is displayed incorrectly when displayed on a computer without the "Nuntio" fonts installed because the fonts are missing. Only when the text lines formatted differently in "Nunito" are removed with "Nunito Semibold" and "Nunito medium", the export works again without error message.
This happened to me with a website created with Designer Pro 15, which I opened with the installed trial version of Designer Pro 19 and further edited to esport it. The export of the named XAR file worked perfectly fine in version 15. (Background: I want to buy the update). But as I said, it also happens when you create a completely new document in Designer Pro 19 as described.
This is an extremely annoying error that should not occur. Has cost me almost an entire afternoon and evening of recherche, troubleshooting. In addition, I suspect that the exact same problem will be present on other pages that I will open and edit. For me the absolute reason NOT to buy this update to v19 before the error is not clearly fixed.
OS: Win 8.1 (according to previous inquiry directly at Xara v19 runs on Win 8.1 - there was also no error message concerning this during the installation)
Greetings M.