Editing query Photostory 2024

donjen33 wrote on 9/15/2024, 1:03 AM


Windows 11 on HP Laptop

Hi there.

Apologies if my question seems muddled but I'm finding it hard to explain in words exactly what's bugging me. I'm just about finished editing my current holiday photo/video project but I'm being driven to distraction because despite placing the curser at the exact spot I've just edited, when I click the 'play' button to check that all's been done to my satisfaction, the curser returns to an earlier point in the video and starts from there.

For example, I choose to put the curser at 19:00 minutes into the project but when I push 'play' it immediately goes back and starts playing from 13:20. I can't work out how to remove the permanent 'red line'/curser start point which appears where the program wants to replay from. (I don't know whether this is referred to as a snap marker?) I've tried double-clicking in the hope that that would fix it but nothing changed when I did that. The only way I can get it to move is to grab it and drag it to the position I want to start from and after I've done that the same thing happens ... it doesn't move from that new spot.

I'd really appreciate any suggestions anyone might have to make.

With many thanks,


Processor    11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz   2.70 GHz
Installed RAM    16.0 GB (15.7 GB usable
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch    No pen or touch input is available for this display

Edition    Windows 11 Home
Version    22H2
Installed on    ‎20/‎10/‎2022
OS build    22621.2428




Bol wrote on 9/15/2024, 8:43 AM


Hello Jenny,

What you could do is reset Photostory 2024 to defaults. If you have not already done so, go to: File / Settings / Reset program settings to default.

Good luck,

Last changed by Bol on 9/15/2024, 8:43 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Als een kwestie onoplosbaar lijkt, komt dat niet omdat je de oplossing niet ziet, maar omdat je het probleem niet ziet.

If an issue seems unsolvable, it is not because you do not see the solution, but because you do not see the problem.

PC -1-

PC -2-

donjen33 wrote on 9/15/2024, 9:04 AM

Thanks Rob. I’ll try that in the morning. However I’ve only just started using 2024 and I’ve not changed any of the settings so whatever it downloaded as should be the default settings? PS 2023 had exactly the same issue for me.

Processor    11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz   2.70 GHz
Installed RAM    16.0 GB (15.7 GB usable
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch    No pen or touch input is available for this display

Edition    Windows 11 Home
Version    22H2
Installed on    ‎20/‎10/‎2022
OS build    22621.2428



donjen33 wrote on 9/16/2024, 8:41 AM

I still haven't done the reset Rob as I wanted to make a few more changes to my project before doing so. Now I have a further issue though. Despite rigorously saving this project at 10 minute intervals, that doesn't seemed to have been fail-safe. Tonight I deleted a couple of photos and added different photos in their place. I also made a few other minor changes to the project and it wasn't until I finished doing that that I noticed that all the text I'd added before I began editing and which stayed put until I began tonight's editing, is now all stacked up at the beginning of the video!!! Horror of horrors ... I now have the laborious task ahead of moving all the text back to where it should be! I've not seen this happen before. Any suggestions would be gratefully received. Jenny

Processor    11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz   2.70 GHz
Installed RAM    16.0 GB (15.7 GB usable
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch    No pen or touch input is available for this display

Edition    Windows 11 Home
Version    22H2
Installed on    ‎20/‎10/‎2022
OS build    22621.2428



Bol wrote on 9/17/2024, 8:41 AM


Hello Jenny,

You can always perform a reset in between, but then you must first save your MPH slideshow project, which you can then put back on the timeline after the reset.

I also have a check mark next to Project is automatically saved every 10 minutes. But personally I don't really trust this method either, which is why I save my MPH slideshow project myself in between. I do this as follows:

  • then go to: File / Save as...
  • type a name such as: 01. vacation, 02 vacation, 03. vacation, etc.. and then save it in the folder where all my photos and film fragments are
  • If something goes wrong, I can always fall back on an MPH project file that can still be opened properly.

From here I can't give any answers to the question why all the text is now at the beginning. Unfortunately you would have to put it back manually.

Good luck,

Als een kwestie onoplosbaar lijkt, komt dat niet omdat je de oplossing niet ziet, maar omdat je het probleem niet ziet.

If an issue seems unsolvable, it is not because you do not see the solution, but because you do not see the problem.

PC -1-

PC -2-

donjen33 wrote on 9/18/2024, 6:15 AM

I'd thought about saving the project as an MPH file but just hadn't done it. Once it's saved to My Videos, I guess it's not too difficult to keep overwriting it after making new edits.

I may query this latest issue directly with Technical Support. It happened once before a few days ago but fortunately I was able use the Undo option to get all the text back to where it should be. When it happened again yesterday, I just couldn't use Undo enough times to get the text back into order.

Anyway, thanks so much for the MPH suggestion and for all your help. Now back to moving the texts to where they should be 🤨.


Processor    11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz   2.70 GHz
Installed RAM    16.0 GB (15.7 GB usable
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch    No pen or touch input is available for this display

Edition    Windows 11 Home
Version    22H2
Installed on    ‎20/‎10/‎2022
OS build    22621.2428



Bol wrote on 9/18/2024, 7:42 AM


Hello Jenny,

The pleasure is all mine. I enjoy helping forum members where I can.

One more thing, you should not overwrite the MPH project file, but always save it under a new name. So for example as: 01. name.mph, 02. name.mph, 03. name.mph, etc...

Read my previous answer again. I save these MPH project files in the folder between the used photos, film fragments, audio files etc. This way I keep all the data together. But it is up to the user how to deal with this.

I have not been able to reproduce your problem regarding the text that jumps to the front of the timeline. But it is possible that you have activated the wrong mouse mode on the toolbar.

Just one more thing: Magix Support is understaffed, so response times may be longer than you are used to.


Als een kwestie onoplosbaar lijkt, komt dat niet omdat je de oplossing niet ziet, maar omdat je het probleem niet ziet.

If an issue seems unsolvable, it is not because you do not see the solution, but because you do not see the problem.

PC -1-

PC -2-

donjen33 wrote on 9/18/2024, 8:02 AM

I now understand why each save needs to be given a different name … there’s always a 2nd most recent Save should there be a problem with the most recent one.

Many thanks once again.

Jenny (with a now much slower 75 year old brain!!!)

Processor    11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz   2.70 GHz
Installed RAM    16.0 GB (15.7 GB usable
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch    No pen or touch input is available for this display

Edition    Windows 11 Home
Version    22H2
Installed on    ‎20/‎10/‎2022
OS build    22621.2428