
garychencool wrote on 6/5/2009, 4:01 PM
Try to geta laptop with aboive the minimun requirements such as 1ghz. Of you want to edit , export and import HD such as AVCHD, get one that is higher than 3.3 Ghz or Quad-core @ 2.6Ghz. You will need hard drive space, about 500 would be enough for installation but you will need more space because when you import something, there will be a file in the same folder as the original file. MEP will also re-make the audio of videos. You can find it in th Audio Temp file.

When making DVDs, make sure you have enough space to put the file into as tempory so MEP can burn it to a DVD properly.

What I would recomment is 2GB memory, 160GB and up, 1.6+ Ghz prosessor.
More would be better. Laptops at that specs cost about $400. The good ones cost more, if it's only for MEp, it's knid of a waste. If your going to do more on it, get a better one.
I have one that is a SONY VAIO, brand new 18.4 inch, 4gb, 320GB harddrive and more and it runs MEP well. Even my only PC works fine wiith MEP15+.

Anyways, it is up to you what laptop you want.