Hi there, I want to be able to crete a subdirectory off of my top level dir where my domain name maps to such as www.saoluisimoveis.com/english .. I have an english version of the website that I want to upload into this directory but since I don't see a way of creating the directory from the "control panel", I was ondering any of you folks could guide me on the right direction...
I have tried this in my local HD after exporting the entire website. When I try to upload the website to the server I include in the publishing settings dialog, a name for the subdirectory to publishe the files to, english. My assumption is that at the time of uploading the files, WD8P and the server where the files wouldb be uploaded to would then create the remote directory if one doesn't exist, and then publishe the files into this directory. However, this is not the case. Instead I get an error message saying "english directory does not exist" and the uploading process halts..
The details of my system if requierd are :
Windows XP, and Web Designer Premium 8.
Your response is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.