Could Someone please tell me why I can only see a still image of the VHS on 'Rescue your videotapes'

jjspmp wrote on 12/22/2010, 2:23 PM

Everything is working well accept when I am about to view my VHS on the software the audio is perfect however the video only shows the blue screen with fastforeward, stop, eject ect. and only one still shot of the video as the audio is normally working.It is the first time I have used this and have not yet recorded the VHS because of this! I would grately appreciate any comments on what might be doing wrong or what I may need asap!

Thank You very much!    


Man o' Lakes wrote on 12/23/2010, 4:37 AM

Hello jjspmp,


there's always a few things to watch out for here. Make sure that the USB device is attached directly to a USB port on your computer, and not via a hub. Disconnect all other USB devices when doing so, and reduce tasks runing in the background.  Make sure that the package is taking the only feed from your VHS player, and that you have plugged in to where the TV is usually plugged in. Never share that feed.


Weird one, because if you are getting a still, then the video settings would seem to be correct. Don't waste too much time trying to sort it if the basics above don't help. Get in touch with MAGIX, run a syscheck with the USB device applied, and let 'em check for you. Could all be very simple.


As silly as it sounds, have you tried a different tape/ checking the tracking?


Cheers M o' L