corrupt .acd files

Dougal-Holloway wrote on 2/20/2019, 6:56 AM

hi guys, my 1st ever post EVER!!, lol, hoping some 1 could possibly help me or point me in right direction,, ive been a strict acid user since as long as i can remember, its literally all i ever do when i have a spare few mins, a little while back, my computer crashed, ( bloody windows 10 update ) and installed a new windows on my media, unbeknown to me that it would affect my music production filder ( which i later found out was wrong ), so EVERYTHING i have done over the last 10 years minimum, all my settings, samples, .acd files, are all corrupt when i try to open them, im a bit of a pc engineer, so i managed to recover them all in their root directory,, but i have alll the titles of the samples, which some i can replace, ( ive spent many many months searching and downloading them all, ) and although i appreciate i will have to rerecord some audios, im at a standstill on the arrangement,, it would be fantastic if any of you guys could show, or tell me how to make the .acd files, just open, so i can see the arrangement, so i can redo the whole track, and re record whatever needed, but to know what went where, and when, etc is a hard task, i dont wanna be reisigned to say, " its gone forever ",, all i wanna see is something like this, so i can remake it, i hate the fact ive lost 15 yrs of music,


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