Computer specification for high quality capture with Video Saver 3?

Aikidoka wrote on 10/22/2010, 4:02 PM

Still no respond from Magix for my question...

Three weeks has passed.

Don't you know what Computer specification Video Saver 3 needs?





I have just bought Video Saver 3, and I would like to know the computer specifications for being able to record at the highest quality level.


I have recently bought a HP Pavilion Elite HPE-345sc Desktop PC, a quite high performing piece.

But it is apparently not enough.. I tried to capture 45 minutes of video in highest capturing quality, but after about 16 minutes the sound is off and the recording is stopped.


Man o' Lakes wrote on 11/11/2010, 5:17 AM

Hi there,


how do you know that it's not enough spec? Are you saving to a  drive with not enough free space?

Usual things to consider are attaching the USB converter directly to a USB port on the computer, never via

hub or extension. Also disconnect all other USB devices whilst recording as well.


Even if your computer is powerful, open Task Manager and get the task reduced to a bare minimum, only what you currently require when recording.  Any error message visible??


Cheers M o' L