Compatibility with latest iZotope plugins?

ant-seppanen wrote on 6/25/2024, 5:34 PM

I'm using ACID Pro 11. I have successfully used several (older) iZotope plugins such as Ozone 10 Elements, RX6, etc, and they work fine.
Recently downloaded Neutron Elements. It installs ok, and the iZotope plugin portal recognizes it as installed. In ACID Pro, it appears on the list of installed plugins, but will not open. Nothing happens when I click to open it. (Sound Forge has, by the way, the exact same problem with said plugin.)
I contacted iZotope support, and the only answer they gave was that ACID is not among their fully supported DAWs.

I'm also contemplating buying other iZotope plugins, such as Ozone 11, but hesitate now for fear they won't work either. I'm running Windows 11.
Any ideas/experiences?


SP. wrote on 6/26/2024, 5:13 AM

@ant-seppanen It might work by loading a plugin chainer first, for example Plogue Bidule, DDMF Metaplugin, New Sonic Arts Freestyle or Waves Studio Rack. Then load iZotope plugins inside the chainer. This way you circumvent the VST plugin interface of Acid and Sound Forge.

Technically the plugins should work fine, but sometimes plugin developers do not adhere to the lowest common denominator of the VST standard which leads to incompatibilities with DAWs.

ant-seppanen wrote on 6/26/2024, 3:02 PM

Cool, thanks! This is a totally new approach for me, definitely gonna try and see what happens. I'll report back...