I am copying a MP3 file to create a long repeating music track. When I get to 10 minutes (10:00) I can't copy the object to extend the recording. How can I get beyond 10 mintues?
It has been a while since I have used 11, so I might stumble on some of my knowledge, I cannot install this on my system as I have updated to Windows 7, which the version 11 of the Audio Cleaning Lab software was not written to perform.
Do you have enough hard disk space?
What Windows operating system are you using with the Audio Cleaning Lab 11?
As far as I know, you can record for as long as you have hard drive space. If you are only able to get 10 minutes, that means you are roughly over 100MB in recording space. I would imagine you have that or you would be getting system messages stating such from Windows.
John-auvil, I'm running XP and have lots of room. I've been creating large MWV's from Photshop.
There is a limit on the maximum viewing time of 10 mintes in this version but I assumed I could scroll past that. However, the time selection control does not go past 10. When I attempt to paste a 2:30 copy at 9:30, it only goes to 10.