Can't use my new PStory 10 as it freezes on trying to access pics. Aswers?

barriew wrote on 12/5/2011, 7:42 PM

Using Windows 7, I have installed new Photostory 10 twice and it freezes on trying to accept pics from the hard drive. I have earlier a Magix slideshow Maker 2 as a download trial copy [which worked!]. I have not uninstalled it as there was no way i saw to do it.  Is this causing the conflict?  i have an adequate recent computer.

 What can I do?

I have used the simple Magix Clean program you offered to try to clean files, but no luck.  Very frustrating after buying your product after trialling a very early version [2] successfully.  I bought the CD package for PStory 10 expecting no issues, but nothing works!!!..  Constant un & re-installing is getting me down and I have had no value from it yet!!!  $40 buys...?


chrisjw37 wrote on 12/22/2011, 11:24 AM

try using smaller photos as a trial.



  • Not enough RAM, PC can't cope with big photos being dragged (uses memory)
  • Photos in incompatible form, use IrfanView (free) and convert a couple to PNG or Jpg again
    They are sometimes not all the same format!    Shock / Horror!!!
robbo36 wrote on 2/10/2012, 7:33 PM

I had same problem, here's what I did.

 1) delete the trial program first ,

2) Then reload your new program.

3) Use Magix Clean Program.

4) Then trial by putting fresh pics in folder on your desktop.

5) Then import entire folder (or individual pics of you wish).

Hope this helps



robbo36 wrote on 2/10/2012, 7:36 PM

To delete program:



3) Select UN-INSTALL.