Can't get powerchords in vita to stretch or lengthen? HELP!

DrumRehab wrote on 12/4/2010, 8:27 PM

When I started the vita in music maker 16 regular full download version the powerchord guitar riffs could be lengthened to where you could drag them out. Now I can only get a tiny riff like really short no matter if I hold the key down longer or try to draw it in and stretch it. Can somebody help me figure this out?


Procyon wrote on 12/4/2010, 8:46 PM

I wish I could.  I have MM-15 and it has developed the same issue.  The powerchords will not sustain.  It will only play in short, staccato bursts.  It is extremely frustrating.


I've asked the same question before with no replies.  We could pay $12 to ask tech support, but they probably don't have an answer.



DrumRehab wrote on 12/5/2010, 12:56 PM

I think i might have figured it out...I scrolled down on the vita instruments page and selected no vsti and it workes again. I dont even know what that is but its working again now.

Procyon wrote on 12/5/2010, 3:54 PM

"No VSTi" means you're not using another VSTi plug-in but are using the "internal" (MM) virtual instruments.


Unfortunately, that did nothing for me other than to silence all voices in Vita completely.  I opened the Instrument Editor to see if a setting (like the sustain in the amp section) was out of wack, but I didn't have any luck there either.


The strange thing is the Power Chords still works fine in the first arrangement I did, but it doesn't work properly in any of my subsequent arrangements.