Can't get my homepage on net.

KnutT wrote on 6/1/2011, 4:03 PM

I have made a homepage with Xara Web Designer 6. ( 5 pages using a template)

When i publish it to website (Magix Hosting Free web space) and after that goes to the website,

( http://(myname)  i only get the message: "A new website is under construction here"

I have used FileZilla Client FTP to go to the website, and find all the files uploadet there.

A folder containing: gif,png,jpg,css,js and txt files.

1 file: index.htm ( my main page)

1 file: products.htm (my 2. page)

1 file: news.htm  (my 3. page)

1 file: gallery.htm (my 4. page)

1 file: gallery-copy (my 5 page)

1 file: index.xhl

Can anybody tell me what i have done wrong.


I can see from the other questions here that SEIMENK1 have the same problem 2011-05-30.


Knut T


michaelmowery wrote on 6/18/2011, 11:27 AM

I haven't posted any pages on Magix Hosting Free web space yet because I have my own domain. However, I know that some hosting is really fussy. Some require the home page to be default.htm, some default.html, some index.htm, and some index.html. I suggest renaming the extensions of all your pages to html. That seems to work almost all the time now days. I use XARA Magix Web Designer and always name my home page index.html.

DannyfromChilwell wrote on 8/16/2011, 12:00 PM

I have a similar problem and would like to know how to clear all folders and start from scratch.

I've tried to do that via a feature in Xara web designer 7 (it's not in v.6) and seem to succeed but each time I find that an early and buggy version of my web pages remain. So I'm obviously not clearing everything. Surely there must be a way to do that - and someone out there who can tell me how to do it?

I'm also exasperated because I have found Xara Wed Designer 7 Premium to be so buggy that I have had to go back to using version 6 but technical support is now denied me because version 6 is no longer supported.

It's all too Catch 22ish. Please someone, help us!!


danny wrote on 9/7/2011, 9:53 AM

Did you get an answer to this problem thanks. I have the same problem!!

KnutT wrote on 9/12/2011, 6:07 AM

I sent a message to Magix technical support, and they fixed it for me.

I don't know what the solution was, but it works now