
DJPhilZee wrote on 12/8/2008, 12:16 PM
I would recommend that you store your soundpools and any other audio files on a seperate hard drive. Mine are on F: drive which is a 500 GB external hard drive. I have so many files that I downloaded in to drive C: and D: that I ran out of space. I copied them onto the external drive and now I know where to look for all my audio files. If I get free samples from a magazine, I use Windows Explorer to open the folders and drag them to my F: drive. Then when I open my DAW, all the audio files I need are on the F: frive. I hope this helps.
NoTurning wrote on 12/9/2008, 8:13 AM
Ditto... I have a second hard drive where I have all my sounds organized in a folder called Samples; I also back-up all my music to that drive a well. Then you can simply point MM14 to the samples on your second drive.

If you don't have a second drive then simply create a folder for the sound pool and keep all your sounds there; again pointing MM14 to that location.