
SP. wrote on 3/28/2023, 1:45 PM

@Tristan-Phipps Try opening the Music Maker program settings and click on the Folders tab. There you'll find the button for the VST settings. Open the VST settings and re-scan all paths.

Tristan-Phipps wrote on 3/28/2023, 2:02 PM

It hasn't worked, though I think you may be on the right track. I've downloaded a few free plugins and altered VST scan paths, so maybe I messed up the pathing. Though I reset to default and it's still not working...

Tristan-Phipps wrote on 3/28/2023, 2:43 PM

@Tristan-Phipps Try opening the Music Maker program settings and click on the Folders tab. There you'll find the button for the VST settings. Open the VST settings and re-scan all paths.

I tried everything with the scan paths, rescanning, resetting to default, manually refinding all scan paths, restarting the app, everything. I think I may just be missing the folder with all these instruments in it? I found a folder called "installations manager" which has the installation files for all the missing instruments, but idk how to translate that into me being able to use them in the app

SP. wrote on 3/28/2023, 3:42 PM

@Tristan-Phipps Are the instruments missing because they aren't installed?

Are the following paths listed in your VST paths?

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Magix Services\MxSynth\

C:\ProgramData\Magix\Music Maker\31\Magix Plugins\

C:\ProgramData\Magix\Music Maker\31\MxSynth\

C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\

Tristan-Phipps wrote on 3/28/2023, 4:03 PM

@Tristan-Phipps Are the instruments missing because they aren't installed?

Are the following paths listed in your VST paths?

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Magix Services\MxSynth\

C:\ProgramData\Magix\Music Maker\31\Magix Plugins\

C:\ProgramData\Magix\Music Maker\31\MxSynth\

C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\

Those paths are all there. The instruments may not be installed, but I don't know how to reinstall them if that is the case. In my "MAGIX Downloads" folder there is a folder called "installationsmanager" which contains an installation application for each instrument.

Double clicking an application opens the following window. Clicking "modify" and then "finish" when prompted still does not allow me access to the instrument.

Also I want to say thanks so much for your time and help with this.

SP. wrote on 3/28/2023, 4:07 PM

@Tristan-Phipps I see, these are the installers from Samplitude Music Studio 2019.

Can you enter the Samplitude Music Studio 2019 serial number in Music Maker?

Tristan-Phipps wrote on 3/28/2023, 4:10 PM

@Tristan-Phipps I see, these are the installers from Samplitude Music Studio 2019.

Can you enter the Samplitude Music Studio 2019 serial number in Music Maker?

Oh boy... I believe my serial number is from 2016 since that's when I got the program. Is that why it's not working? Do I need to download the 2016 version?

SP. wrote on 3/28/2023, 4:13 PM

@Tristan-Phipps Check your serial numbers in your user account at

There should be the serial number for Samplitude Music Studio 2019. The instruments are also very likely from Music Studio 2019. To use them in Music Maker you need to unlock them with your Music Studio 2019 serial number.

Tristan-Phipps wrote on 3/28/2023, 4:31 PM

@Tristan-Phipps Check your serial numbers in your user account at

There should be the serial number for Samplitude Music Studio 2019. The instruments are also very likely from Music Studio 2019. To use them in Music Maker you need to unlock them with your Music Studio 2019 serial number.

I double checked, and it seems I had the correct serial number -- which has been giving me a "you have already downloaded all content from this serial number" message. However, when I put in the Magix Samplitude Music Studio (NOT Magix Music Maker) serial number, it unlocked 3 of the missing VST instruments for some reason. So I have gained 3 instruments, but the others are still missing. I tried to install the instruments through the installations folder I mentioned earlier, but the installed instruments are not showing up in MMM, even after restarting the program. I feel like I'm so close!

Tristan-Phipps wrote on 3/28/2023, 4:38 PM

@Tristan-Phipps Check your serial numbers in your user account at

There should be the serial number for Samplitude Music Studio 2019. The instruments are also very likely from Music Studio 2019. To use them in Music Maker you need to unlock them with your Music Studio 2019 serial number.

WAIT. IT LOOKS LIKE I MAY HAVE DOWNLOADED MUSIC MAKER SEVERAL TIMES RECENTLY. Are these the free version? Have I been using the wrong program this whole time?

SP. wrote on 3/28/2023, 5:15 PM

@Tristan-Phipps No, you bought Music Maker Plus Edition 2019 and just updated the program each year to the new version which is fine. This is how it was intended by Magix.

Have you ever used the Vita Instruments in Music Maker? I think some might not work in Music Maker like for example Sansula. This instrument isn't by Magix and they don't have the licence to unlock it Music Maker without you buying it again. It was only a free bonus for Samplitude Music Studio.

Which instruments are now still missing for you?

Tristan-Phipps wrote on 3/28/2023, 6:09 PM

@Tristan-Phipps No, you bought Music Maker Plus Edition 2019 and just updated the program each year to the new version which is fine. This is how it was intended by Magix.

Have you ever used the Vita Instruments in Music Maker? I think some might not work in Music Maker like for example Sansula. This instrument isn't by Magix and they don't have the licence to unlock it Music Maker without you buying it again. It was only a free bonus for Samplitude Music Studio.

I use Vita instruments all the time. Sansula was actually one of the 3 instruments which unlocked after I put in my Samplitude Music Studio serial number. I redownloaded Magix Music maker, and I have found I now have 2 Music Maker programs which are different. Maybe you can tell the difference with these screenshots:

The one I've been using for months (Music Maker 64 bit, fully updated):

home page



The one I just downloaded (Music Maker). Notice, it gives me feature and preset packages to choose. I believe these are bonus features from the edition I purchased long ago. I get to choose like 5 free instruments, loops, feature packages as part of the premium version. Does that mean this second version is the proper one?

account page

application (notice the free feature packages list on the right)

In this new application, I am still missing all the VST instruments I was missing in the other app, and I have access to all the same VSTs as the other app.


SP. wrote on 3/28/2023, 6:18 PM

@Tristan-Phipps Since version 2021 Music Maker is 64 bits and you cannot install multiple 64 bit versions of Music Maker. But you can install 32 bit versions and 64 bit versions at the same time. This means that you probably installed Music Maker 2019 or 2020 on the third and fourth screenshot because the older versions were still 32 bit. Some newer features will not work in the 32 bit versions but there are also some features that will work in the 32 bit version but not in the 64 bit version, for example the old Song Maker or the old Object Synthesizers like Robota. So it might be a good idea to use both versions.

You can use your coupons in the old 32 bit version, this will also unlock the presets and features in the 64 bit version.

Tristan-Phipps wrote on 3/28/2023, 6:26 PM

@Tristan-Phipps Since version 2021 Music Maker is 64 bits and you cannot install multiple 64 bit versions of Music Maker. But you can install 32 bit versions and 64 bit versions at the same time. This means that you probably installed Music Maker 2019 or 2020 on the third and fourth screenshot because the older versions were still 32 bit. Some newer features will not work in the 32 bit versions but there are also some features that will work in the 32 bit version but not in the 64 bit version, for example the old Song Maker or the old Object Synthesizers like Robota.

You can use your coupons in the old 32 bit version, this will also unlock the presets and features in the 64 bit version.

Gotcha, wow I'm lucky to have someone as knowledgeable as you helping me. Any further tips on reobtaining the lost VSTs? The 3 I got back were Sansula, Grand Piano, and Orchestral Ensemble, but I have often used the Choir instrument, Cinematic Soundscapes, and others many times. Here is a screenshot of my VSTs, most of them are giving me the "plug-in is unavailable" error.

I still have those weird installation files of all the ones I want, I just don't know what to do with those files.

SP. wrote on 3/28/2023, 6:41 PM

@Tristan-Phipps You can make a backup of these files. They were all downloaded back in 2021 when you downloaded Samplitude Music Studio 2019. You can also delete them and redownload them later via the Help menu in Samplitude Music Studio 2019. But it's not a bad idea to have a backup, just in case Magix' servers are down.

I'm not sure why you cannot load the Choir or Cinematic Soundscapes. Both were part of Music Studio 2019 and should be unlocked in the Music Maker in-app-store because you entered the serial number. That's quite odd they aren't unlocked. Is there a small lock icon on the title graphic of those instruments if you look them up in the VST Instrument tab or the in-app-store?

SP. wrote on 3/28/2023, 6:51 PM

@Tristan-Phipps I remember now there was a DRM problem some updates ago which caused the Vita 2 instrument to be not able to load.

It could be, that now the same thing happened with your instruments. So, if this is a bug, there might not be much more we can do for now.

I would highly recommend that you open a support ticket at technical support. Click on the SUPPORT link at top of this page, then select Music Maker, then scroll down until you can click on Contact Support and create a new ticket.

Tristan-Phipps wrote on 3/28/2023, 6:53 PM

@Tristan-Phipps I remember now there was a DRM problem some updates ago which caused the Vita 2 instrument to be not able to load.

It could be, that now the same thing happened with your instruments. So, if this is a bug, there might not be much more we can do for now.

I would highly recommend that you open a support ticket at technical support. Click on the SUPPORT link at top of this page, then select Music Maker, then scroll down until you can click on Contact Support and create a new ticket.

I will do that. Thanks for your help, friend. You don't know how relieved I am to have someone to talk to about this.