I have digitized my super 8 movies. At that time there was no stabilization in S8 cameras. Now I should like to stabilize them all. I there any was for a batch processing? (Magix VDL 17 premium de luxe + Mercalli). Is there special software available?
I think the stand alone latest version of Mercalli Pro alows batch stabilising but not the Mercalli Pro plugin for MEP or VPX.
I presume you have captured the super 8 as reasonably long takes (reels) so you would have to first stabilise the file for each reel in the timeline and export then reimport and edit, as the stabilising is lost once you cut it.
It is however better to stabilse each take after cutting because some will be more unsteady than others due to shooting variables, like zoom factor, etc. and a blanket stabilisation will mean some will be enlarged more than necessary with the subsequent lost of clarity.