Audio crash on certain sounds and/or soundpools

JustineP wrote on 1/15/2023, 2:22 PM

I am using Magix MM 2023 Premium on Windows 11 (on HP ENVY), and am currently having constant audio crashes on what seems like over a third of my soundpools and/or certain sounds. This started in the last couple weeks, and has gotten worse. I have MANY soundpools in my library. The "crash" is not on the whole program, but instead the added sound will do one of three things: 1) get glitchy and then go silent (just itself), 2) get glitchy and then silences ALL sounds in the playback, or 3) suddenly stops ALL playback sounds and emits a loud annoying hum. I have tried all available drivers (including the Wave, Direct and Asio low latency, and although a switch seems to momentarily fix the problem, the audio crash happens promptly again. There is no consistent string of events to point to. Seems arbitrary. I have also tried raising buffer levels but there is no change in this problem. I have set all track volumes at -6db, as that is what I had it on for my previous songs (although I've noticed that on new empty files, Magix is now defaulting it back to zero db, too loud). I have the sample rate at 48000 hz, as that has worked for me before, but I've been wondering if I should put it on 44100 hz. Anyway, I don't know what else to do. I am admittedly a beginner, but I am devoting a lot of time to figure all this out. I just don't know much about how audio actually works in such DAWs. I hope someone can guide me to a solution. Thank you!


SP. wrote on 1/15/2023, 4:18 PM

@JustineP You could try the something from the following ideas:

- Open the program settings and click on the button to clean up the store and the button to re-scan all Soundpools.

- Restart Windows.

- Install all pending Windows updates.

- Install the newest audio drivers for your computer.

- You should usually use the ASIO driver (Magix Low Latency in older versions and Music Maker ASIO from version 2023). The buffer for these drivers can be set in the driver settings (click on the Advanced button). Select your preferred inputs and outputs in the driver settings.

- You might want to download and install a different ASIO driver like ASIO4ALL or maybe Realtek ASIO if your mainboard has a Realtek Audio chipset.

- Run Music Maker as administrator by right clicking on the program icon.

- Disable the Windows 11 text cursor indicator.

- Reset the Music Maker program settings under the File > Settings menu.

JustineP wrote on 1/17/2023, 2:11 PM

@SP. Thank you for your prompt response. I appreciate your ideas. I've been working on them, but so far nothing is working and the feedback/static/drop problem seems to be getting worse. I've already tried several restarts and did a pending Windows 11 update. There were no audio driver updates needed (I do have the integrated Realtek version). I even uninstalled and reinstalled this Magix software. I did the soundpool rescan (although I lost all my indicated faves/hearted), and I happened to notice in the store that a bunch of my purchased soundpools had the word "update" on them. So I did those individual updates as well (thinking that has GOT to be the easy Occam's Razor solution). Still no change. The Windows 11 text cursor indicator was already off… Have yet to try downloading an independent ASIO driver, have yet to try cleaning the store, and have yet to try running as administrator... I'm just SO frustrated. After all these changes have been made, I will next try to start over on the partial song I've been trying to create, by dragging the selected sounds again directly from the newly downloaded loops into a fresh empty file. This might be pointless (I'm getting pessimistic). Also, I've noticed there are no sound issues anywhere on my computer except within this Magix software. I just ordered a Focusrite audio interface (ASIO supported?) in the hopes that this will work. So far, I'm a bit nervous about downloading the German Realtek ASIO you suggested. Any other thoughts? Thanks in advance!

Oh! - And this is probably beside the point - After doing the soundpool rescan and their individual updates, my previously created songs are ruined! Specific sounds are changed within them. It will be painstaking to fix them. Luckily I have WAV files saved, but the Magix MM version is very messed up. Unless some kind reader notices this and has a quick solution to this problem, I could probably start this issue as a new thread.

SP. wrote on 1/17/2023, 2:36 PM

@JustineP The Realtek driver download link is from the computer manufacturer Dell, not the site I linked. This site only shows you a step by step guide on how to install it. Another user solved performance problems with such a driver some weeks ago. At the moment I cannot find the topic again.

Getting an audio interface with ASIO driver like the Focusrite interface you ordered is a very good idea and should usually boost audio production massively. Of course, it may be expensive, but it's a good investment, especially if you want to use more professional DAWs in the future.

Another idea would be to reinstall Windows from scratch, but that is something not everyone can do without a big amount of preparations (saving all data) and most people won't do anyway for problems with one single program. But it could make a difference.

JustineP wrote on 1/17/2023, 3:00 PM

Great, thanks, @SP.! I do understand that the site you gave me was just the advice/instruction, but then its directions linked to another site which came up as Dell in German. That's why I hesitated so far. Not a big deal. I would trust downloading that ASIO driver now, except I've already ordered that Focusrite, which I'm happy to see you endorse, and yes, I'm planning to upgrade my DAW to something more pro in about a year. Thanks so much for lending a helping hand..... Maybe I'll download that driver anyway, since it worked for someone else...