adjustable speed control , please help!!

shogel wrote on 10/13/2008, 3:40 AM
hi, i hope there is a way to solve this problem. I need to do such thing in a scene: i want the scene speed to slow down gradualy till one part of scene and  to speed up gradualy till the end. I need something like keyframe animation for speed. Is it possible to do this? Can I slow down a video gradualy not "at once"?? I searched where I could but didnt find the solution.


ralftaro wrote on 10/21/2008, 5:08 AM
Here's how I would do it: Chop up the video clip into chunks in the timeline by using the normal split function ("T" key). Now, assign a playback speed to each chunk via the video effects dialog. Depending on whether you want to gradually slow down or speed up the playback, the playback speed should be a little less or a little more with each chunk. This way you can also approximate a speed curve going down or up. Obviously, the more chunks you create and the shorter you make them, the finer you can choose the steps between the playback speeds and the smoother your effect will become.

I hope this helps.