ACID Pro - Music Maker

james-moore wrote on 10/24/2018, 12:09 PM

I used ACID Pro for a number of years and I am a long time Vegas user. I came here through the Magix Sony purchase.

I've used and progressed quite nicely with Vegas as it has been developed by Magix.

On the ACID Pro side it appeared nothing was happening. I got invited into the Beta Music maker program. I've dabbled in Music Maker and I am about to embark on a project. I reacquainted myself with Music Maker and I was quite happy to discover in the latest version I have that much of ACID Pro technology is being used in Music Maker. In addition I was very happy to see additional pitch/auto-tune features (much like Melodyne and Auto-Tune)

I thought I would explore the forums before embarking on this new project and I discovered that in addition to Music Maker there is a new release of ACID Pro.

A few questions?

Having gone through the beta stuff am I eligible for a copy of ACID Pro? If yes, how do I get it?

If no, is the basic functionality of Music Maker and ACID Pro the same with ACID Pro only offering additional loops sets?

Can projects be moved across the two products?

I am sooo happy to see ACID Pro being developed!


james-moore wrote on 10/24/2018, 5:21 PM

Well, I spent some time in Music Maker trying to make a little test ditty and it isn't working out very well. I mixed up a loop and some recordings I did, through some reverb and compression and such on it. I go to render it out as a wav file and it crashes. It crashes at 23% all the time when rendering a 48k stereo wave file even if I don't normalize, render between markers or not. If I try the default 44.1 k it crashes right at the start of the render.

If I spend money for ACID Pro 8 will I get any better results?

james-moore wrote on 10/24/2018, 5:54 PM

welp, talking to myself here. Music maker decided it wanted to update, which I did (version now). In it's notes it mentioned 48k rendering was fixed. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be but 48k does seem to be the problem. I set the project up to do everything at 48k and my system is set at 48k. I loaded the demo project and it rendered at 44k. The rendered file didn't play back correctly until I changed my system settings to play back at 44k as well.

Does everything have to be done at 44k to have any chance of working?

Will-Kenworthy wrote on 10/25/2018, 1:16 AM

Hi James,

Try the Demo version of Acid Pro 8. I tried the demo before I migrated (AP7) and bought AP8. The demo should be able to function in 48k just fine. My full version has no problem changing sample rates. Up to 192khz.


james-moore wrote on 10/25/2018, 1:00 PM

I skipped the trial version and just bought an upgrade. I trust it won't go backwards from 7 and it has the auto-tune features of Music Maker....

plus new loops and goodies...?

james-moore wrote on 10/25/2018, 1:36 PM

please tell me I am missing something obvious - ACID Pro doesn't have the vocal tune abilities that Music Maker has?


Will-Kenworthy wrote on 10/25/2018, 3:47 PM

The new loops and other instruments are on a second download. Under Help/Download loops & Instruments. Be aware it downloads to Users/Public/Public Documents/Magix/Common/.... 3 folders; loops instruments. At least on my system. Lot's the Demo didn't have. Good stuff.

Doesn't have the kind of pitch control your looking for, unfortunately. Wouldn't surprise me though if that was included in the future since it is an obvious lacking feature.

I like the workflow, looping ease, Easy MIDI, quickness of the program. It does lack some features you would expect in a DAW. Acid is not a DAW. Pretty good sequencer, looper .... Included & hosting my plugins and instruments ...... Covers a lot for a little .... I just didn't see Music Maker as the same although I didn't spend much time with it ....


james-moore wrote on 10/25/2018, 3:58 PM

I felt like magix was pushing me to Music Maker (they buy me via ACID, invite me to do beta on Music Maker and then give me a 'free' copy for my participation). I thought it was the replacement for ACID as they incorporated some of it's technology. I was surprised to find a new version of ACID. I had assumed that Music Maker was the entry level program and ACID Pro was the top level version but it appears I am wrong. They seem to have ported some of the technology from ACID (beat mapping for example) to Music Maker but they appear to be two completely different products which makes me sad. I have been researching Vocal Tuning and it is a feature I need and I'm a bit pissed that it isn't in Magix's ACID. Music Maker wouldn't work and I pay for ACID and it doesn't have it. bah!

On another note - what's with the producer planet voucher's? There are two of them. One appears to be just for one of the 5 Loops they note but the 70 buck one, what's that for? I tried to buy the one loop that I'm interested in and it keeps telling me it isn't a valid voucher for that item.