Acid Pro 10 Tutorials

Cary-Gulsby wrote on 1/18/2022, 5:57 PM

I just recently purchased Acid Pro 10. When trying to view the first tutorial, "An Overview of Acid Pro Software", the tutorial crashes on Step 9 of 16 with the following error: "An error occurred inside the Interactive Tutorial component. The tutorial cannot continue."

Product: Acid Pro, Version: 10.0.5 (Build 38) 64-Bit, Error Code: 0x80004005, Procedure: 0, AppWalk, Procedure Step: 65545, The Media Manager, Command Info: 65602, SelectTab_MediaManager


sheppo wrote on 1/26/2022, 5:58 AM

This looks like a bug in the interactive walkthrough related to Media Manager. IIRC, Media Manager isn't supported any more, and the legacy versions you might find online don't work on Windows 10 and beyond, so yeah.. something that should be removed from later versions of the interactive tutorial. I'll see about getting this reported to the Magix devs.

Cary-Gulsby wrote on 2/1/2022, 8:21 AM

Great, thank you Sheppo!