2 hour recording on DVD-RAM gives only 7min 36 sec recording

Tony58 wrote on 8/21/2009, 5:34 AM
I have transferred a 2 hour VHS program to a dvd-ram disc with a Panasonic combi recorder but when I go to the edit option in Magix Movie Edit Pro 14 Plus to edit the 2 hour recording only 7 min 36 seconds has been recorded. I can see no reason when viewing the program on my recorder why this has happened. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You


Vieupot wrote on 8/21/2009, 8:37 AM
je ne parle pas anglais mais pense avoir compris que tu mettais beaucoup de temps a graver un petit film. tu peux rejoindre le groupr Magix en français !
clique sur l'onglet "groups" et cherche.....
a bientôt
Tony58 wrote on 8/22/2009, 1:28 PM
For any other novices experiencing the same problem I have stumbled across the answer myself.The end marker in the timeline mode is set at 7minutes 36 second by default.Therefore drag this to a time longer than the movie you are trying to edit, e.g for a 30 minute movie put end marker at say 40 minutes.