Errore interno di masterizzazione con Magix Foto su CD DVD 8

cholo1 ha scritto il 21.09.2009 ore 12:44
Il log file mi da il seguente messaggio: MI SAPETE DIRE COSA DEVO FARE?


-------------------------- 18/09/2009 12:15:46 --------------------------


18/09/2009 12:15:46.265:   DLLAV32.DLL loaded, all entry points available

18/09/2009 12:15:46.265:   AVSDK MsgCbFunc registered

18/09/2009 12:15:46.265:   AVSDK: StatCbFunc registered

18/09/2009 12:16:05.765:   AVSDK Version 6.2.168

18/09/2009 12:16:05.765:   ------------ Reading Device Info ----------------

18/09/2009 12:16:05.765:   AVSDK: 1 device(s) found

18/09/2009 12:16:05.765:   Adapter=2  ID=0  LUN=0   D:ASUS DRW-1814BLT Revision:1.14

18/09/2009 12:16:05.765:   AVSDK: 1 record device(s) available

18/09/2009 12:16:05.765:   ------------ done ----------------

18/09/2009 12:16:05.921:   setting no speed limit

18/09/2009 12:16:05.921:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::InvalidateDiscInfo(): 202 - burn support - invalid device !!!

18/09/2009 12:16:06.593:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:

18/09/2009 12:16:06.593:       DEVICE ARRIVED

18/09/2009 12:18:00.562:   Open Project: Goghi_50mo_photo_2 -- dvd project 2009-09-18

18/09/2009 12:18:00.562:   VideoMode: PAL   Temp Dir: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Documenti\MAGIX_Foto_su_CD_DVD_8\Disc Images\

18/09/2009 12:18:00.562:   dll version

18/09/2009 12:18:00.562:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes

18/09/2009 12:18:00.562:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...

18/09/2009 12:18:00.562:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 427130880

18/09/2009 12:18:00.562:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 131072, Typ 0

18/09/2009 12:18:00.562:   Title an Stelle 131072, Länge 131072, Typ 0

18/09/2009 12:18:00.562:   Title an Stelle 262144, Länge 426868736, Typ 1

18/09/2009 12:18:00.562:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch

18/09/2009 12:18:14.250:   Step 1 of 6, Codifica film 1 ...

18/09/2009 12:23:56.859:   Step 1 done

18/09/2009 12:23:56.859:   Step 2 of 6, Codifica menu pellicola...

18/09/2009 12:23:57.890:   Step 2 done

18/09/2009 12:23:57.890:   Step 3 of 6, Codifica menu capitolo 1 ...

18/09/2009 12:23:57.890:   Step 3 done

18/09/2009 12:23:57.890:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Documenti\MAGIX_Foto_su_CD_DVD_8\Disc Images\DVD Image Goghi_50mo_photo_2\VTS_01_1.VOB

18/09/2009 12:23:57.890:   Step 4 of 6, Crea DVD Image ...

18/09/2009 12:24:03.578:   Step 4 done

18/09/2009 12:24:09.328:   Step 5 of 6

18/09/2009 12:24:09.328:   Step 5 done

18/09/2009 12:24:09.328:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------

18/09/2009 12:24:09.437:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l

18/09/2009 12:24:09.437:   Used burn options:

            simulation:        off

            DiscAtOnce:    off

            BurnOver:        off

            BurnProof:       on

            FormatDisc:     off

            ShortLeadOut: on

            NoDefectMgmt:           off

18/09/2009 12:24:09.437:       Booktype:        don't care

18/09/2009 12:24:09.437:   setting write speed to 11080000  bytes/sec

18/09/2009 12:24:09.437:   this equals 8,000000x DVD / 62,811794x CD Speed

18/09/2009 12:24:09.437:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------

18/09/2009 12:24:09.437:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------

18/09/2009 12:24:09.453:   Step 6 of 6

18/09/2009 12:24:09.453:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...

18/09/2009 12:24:09.453:   create volume... OK

18/09/2009 12:24:09.453:   verify option OFF

18/09/2009 12:24:09.453:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Documenti\MAGIX_Foto_su_CD_DVD_8\Disc Images\DVD Image Goghi_50mo_photo_2\VIDEO_TS.IFO"

18/09/2009 12:24:09.453:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Documenti\MAGIX_Foto_su_CD_DVD_8\Disc Images\DVD Image Goghi_50mo_photo_2\VIDEO_TS.VOB"

18/09/2009 12:24:09.453:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Documenti\MAGIX_Foto_su_CD_DVD_8\Disc Images\DVD Image Goghi_50mo_photo_2\VTS_01_1.VOB"

18/09/2009 12:24:09.468:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Documenti\MAGIX_Foto_su_CD_DVD_8\Disc Images\DVD Image Goghi_50mo_photo_2\VTS_01_0.IFO"

18/09/2009 12:24:09.468:   Step 6 done

18/09/2009 12:24:09.468:   ------------ done ----------------

18/09/2009 12:24:09.468:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------

18/09/2009 12:24:09.468:   time: Fri Sep 18 12:24:09 2009


18/09/2009 12:24:09.468:   Step 6 of 6

18/09/2009 12:24:09.468:   Used burn options:

            simulation:        off

            DiscAtOnce:    off

            BurnOver:        off

            BurnProof:       on

            FormatDisc:     off

            ShortLeadOut: on

            NoDefectMgmt:           off

18/09/2009 12:24:09.468:       Booktype:        don't care

18/09/2009 12:24:09.484:   setting write speed to 11080000  bytes/sec

18/09/2009 12:24:09.484:   this equals 8,000000x DVD / 62,811794x CD Speed

18/09/2009 12:24:09.484:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK

18/09/2009 12:24:14.546:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot re-open drive -> drive is in use by another application

18/09/2009 12:24:14.546:   !!! AVSDK error: BurnToDisc() calling AvVolWriteToDisc(): 106 - drive in use by another appl. !!!

18/09/2009 12:24:14.546:   Step 6 done

18/09/2009 12:24:14.562:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupportPoint::BurnToDisc(): 3 - unspecified failure !!!

18/09/2009 12:24:14.562:   ------------ done ----------------

18/09/2009 12:24:14.703:   time: Fri Sep 18 12:24:14 2009


18/09/2009 12:24:14.703:   project burning failed

18/09/2009 12:24:14.859:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::BurnProject(): 3 - unspecified failure !!!

18/09/2009 12:24:15.015:   !!! DBK error in BurnProject: 3 - unspecified failure !!!



GPM123 ha scritto il 30.11.2009 ore 12:43
Nella aprte finale del log che hai postato stava l'avviso:
drive in use by another appl. !!!

Periferica in uso da parte di un altra applicazione.

Probabilmetne si tratta di un conflitto fra risorse di masterizzazione di più programmi di masterizzazione probabilmente presenti sul tuo computer.

Prova a fare questa modifica:

Clicca su "Start" -> "Esegui" e digita il comando "msconfig".
(su vista/win 7 digita il comando nel campo di ricerca file)
Nella finestra successiva chiamata "Utilità Configurazione sistema" seleziona il menù "Avvio".
Clicca quindi su "Disabilita tutto"-> "Applica" -> "Chiudi" e riavvia il pc.

Dopo aver fatto questa modifica prova a masterizzare il progetto demo presente nel programma.
Se quello va in porto deve andare in porto anche il tuo progetto,( a meno di problemi all'interno del progetto stesso ovviamente ;) )