
SP. ha scritto il 28.08.2022 ore 00:02

@CLAUDIO-CASSELLA Non capisco cosa vuoi ottenere.


I don't understand what you want to achieve.

CLAUDIO-CASSELLA ha scritto il 28.08.2022 ore 16:42

Scusami mi riferisco alla funzione launchpad live coi vari box numerati

Non capisco come funziona.




SP. ha scritto il 28.08.2022 ore 21:14

@CLAUDIO-CASSELLA  Ok now I understand. The pads represent audio tracks, pad 1 is track 1, pad 2 is track 2, and so on. Drag and drop an audio loop onto a pad and then you can start and stop the loop by pressing the pad, pressing a key on your computer keyboard, or pressing notes 36 (C3) through 59 (B4) with your MIDI keyboard. computer. This assumes that C0 is note 0. You can then improvise a song very easily. Keep in mind that your projects must have 16 audio tracks if you want to use all 16 pads. Here is a video that shows you what it looks like if you play a song with the pads.

Se vuoi posizionare un intero verso su un pad, devi prima esportare il tuo verso come file audio.  Dopodiché trascina e rilascia il file audio in versi esportato sul pad.



Ok, I understand now. The pads represent the audio tracks, pad 1 is track 1, pad 2 is track 2 and so on. You drag and drop an audio loop onto a pad and then you can start and stop the loop by pressing the pad, by pressing a key on your computer keyboard or by pressing the notes 36 (C3) up to 59 (B4) with your MIDI keyboard. This assumes that C0 is note 0. You can then improvise a song very easily. Be aware that your projects need to have 16 audio tracks if you want to use all 16 pads. Here is a video that shows you how it looks like if you play a song with the pads. If you want to place a whole verse on a pad you need to escort l export your verse as an audio file first. After that drag and drop the verse onto the pad.