franco-galateo ha scritto il 11.05.2020 ore 15:08
Tags: MIDI, Altro, Ambient, Colonna sonora, Artista Music Maker


Galasyan Sideral Hurkestra (with F. Galateo) and Gil Rodan-Navas and Nora Neumen


Attending the inventive works of the Glasyan Sideral Hurkestra directed by Franco Galateo is not new. GSH, however, had already reworked and interpreted music by Gil Rodan-Navas (Tribute to Gil, Astral Reflections), but it had not yet happened to meet Gil in the studio to play with the galactic orchestra and, surprise for everyone, even Nora Neumen she punctually came with her synthesizers to participate in the session. Galateo knew that, together with the protagonists of the Laboratorio di Ricerca Sonora Elettronica Contempoeranea, a "monumental" album would be produced. So it was. If the Teatro delle Ombre were still active it is certain that the GSH performance with Gil and Nora would have been staged. We hope someone will listen the album. The album will be appreciate abum by those who have an attentive ear for contemporary and electronic music. Because Galateo with his "Hurkestra", in agreement with Gil and Nora, has been able to sweeten some minimalist and truly "extreme" passages of the composers belonging to LARSEC, embellishing them with blooms and sublime atmospheres. (J. Domino – Eventi Jazz 9/2016 – extract)

In the cover: PREDJAMA CASTLE (Slovenia)


GSH, Gil Rodan-Navas, Nora Neumen are artists participating in the MITS project



Pat_02 ha scritto il 11.05.2020 ore 15:27

Bella musica leggera amico mio,
con toni chiari e cristallini.
Nonostante il suo lato sperimentale, penso che quasi tutti possano ascoltarlo e apprezzarlo, perché come il precedente che ho appena ascoltato e apprezzato, ma che non fa parte dello stesso album, è una musica rilassante e di meditazione, così come spesso sono musica elettronica sperimentale che mescola suoni di synth ma anche strumenti classici tra cui percussioni o molto simili a strumenti reali.
Apprezzo questa ottima composizione minimalista, amico mio.
Ottimo lavoro ancora.
Cordiali saluti.

Nice light music my friend,
with clear and crystal clear tones.
Despite its experimental side, I think that almost anyone could listen to it and appreciate it, because like the previous one that I just listened to and also appreciate, but which is not part of the same Album, it is a restful and meditation music also as often are experimental electro music which mix synth sounds but also classical instruments including percussion or very similar to real instruments.
I appreciate this very good minimalist composition my friend.
Very good work again.
Friendly greetings.

Belle musique légère mon ami,
avec des sonorités limpides et cristallines.
Malgré son côté expérimental, je pense que presque n'importe qui pourrait l'écouter et l'apprécier, car comme la précédente que je viens d'écouter et d'apprécier aussi, mais qui ne fait pas partie du même Album, c'est une musique reposante et de méditation également comme souvent le sont des musique électro expérimentales qui mélangent des sonorités de synthé mais aussi d'instruments classiques notamment des percussions ou très ressemblantes à des instruments réels. 
J'apprécie cette très bonne composition minimaliste mon ami. 
Du très bon travail à nouveau.
Salutations amicales.


Jochen-S ha scritto il 11.05.2020 ore 15:41

Hi Franco,
somehow it's a fascinating soundtrack for me... Great job...
Greetings Jochen

Sandro_Glavina_Channel ha scritto il 11.05.2020 ore 16:04


Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Siggi-M ha scritto il 11.05.2020 ore 17:07

Hello Franco,it sounds like the falling stars in the night sky jumping back and forth.

in my imagination.👌👍🌟💫🌛 very good,


Jinty ha scritto il 12.05.2020 ore 02:28

Hello Franco,

It's a beautiful track,I've enjoyed listening to it!!!!!!!

All the best,


Ganfo ha scritto il 12.05.2020 ore 19:39

Ciao Franco,

musica molto delicata e....raffinata!

Ganfo 😎

Vecchio utente ha scritto il 13.05.2020 ore 21:21

Hi very good job midi relaxation music - I like it 😉👍🎼🎹🎵🎶 I wish you good health