franco-galateo ha scritto il 04.05.2020 ore 10:48
Tags: MIDI, Altro, Colonna sonora, Artista Music Maker


Galasyan Sideral Hurkestra (with F. Galateo) and Gil Rodan-Navas and Nora Neumen


Attending the inventive works of the Glasyan Sideral Hurkestra directed by Franco Galateo is not new. GSH, however, had already reworked and interpreted music by Gil Rodan-Navas (Tribute to Gil, Astral Reflections), but it had not yet happened to meet Gil in the studio to play with the galactic orchestra and, surprise for everyone, even Nora Neumen she punctually came with her synthesizers to participate in the session. Galateo knew that, together with the protagonists of the Laboratorio di Ricerca Sonora Elettronica Contempoeranea, a "monumental" album would be produced. So it was. If the Teatro delle Ombre were still active it is certain that the GSH performance with Gil and Nora would have been staged. We hope someone will listen the album. The album will be appreciate abum by those who have an attentive ear for contemporary and electronic music. Because Galateo with his "Hurkestra", in agreement with Gil and Nora, has been able to sweeten some minimalist and truly "extreme" passages of the composers belonging to LARSEC, embellishing them with blooms and sublime atmospheres. (J. Domino – Eventi Jazz 9/2016 – extract)

In the cover: PREDJAMA CASTLE (Slovenia)




Pat_02 ha scritto il 04.05.2020 ore 11:40

Ciao mio caro amico Franco e grazie per aver pensato a me per questo secondo brano di questo album speciale che non è destinato a nessun ascoltatore, ma lo sai e spesso mi dici: molta della mia musica, specialmente le "colonne sonore" non sono rivolte a tutti, tutte queste musiche sono anti-commerciali, ma quando vedi ad esempio il male che aveva Jean Michel Jarre da conoscere all'inizio e avere buona notorietà e questo è solo un esempio tra molti altri, e proprio come i Pink Floyd con i loro primi passi nella musica elettronica sperimentale con quindi anche inizi difficili, sono diventati più che famosi, lol! Quindi ovviamente questo album è per me e conosci il mio amico.
Mi piace questa canzone ma penso di preferire la precedente, devo ascoltarla di nuovo per confermarla.
Ho appena ascoltato di nuovo l'altro, e alla fine li amo così tanto, anche se sono davvero diversi.
In ogni caso, a parte l'inizio, la musica molto galattica direi, lol! e quindi molto rilassante e meditazione, fa molto bene alla nostra mente molto disturbata, controversa e stanca da questo confinamento e da tutti questi bla bla politici, mediatici, medici che sentiamo tutto il giorno, che rende buono per disconnettersi completamente da ciò che non è la realtà, ma una manipolazione globale.
Grazie per questo buon momento di riposo e riflessione musicale, lol!
Cordiali saluti.

Hi my dear friend Franco and thank you for thinking of me for this 2nd track of this special album which is not intended for any listener, but you know it and you often tell me: a lot of my music, especially the "Soundtracks" are not intended for everyone either, all of this music being anti-commercial, but when you see for example the harm that Jean Michel Jarre had in making itself known at the start and having a good notoriety and this is only one example among many others, and just like Pink Floyd with their first steps in experimental electro music with therefore difficult beginnings also, they became more than famous, lol! So obviously this album is for me and you know my friend.
I like this song but I think I prefer the previous one, I have to listen to it again to confirm it.
I just listened to the other one again, and I love them so much in the end, although they are really different.
In any case, apart from the very beginning, very galactic music I would say, lol! and therefore very relaxing and meditation, it does a lot of good for our very disturbed, controversial and tired mind since this confinement and all this political, media, medical blah blah that we hear all day long, it makes good to completely disconnect from what is not reality, but a global manipulation.
Thank you for this good moment of rest and musical reflection, lol!
Friendly greetings.

Salut mon cher ami Franco et merci d'avoir pensé à moi pour ce 2e morceau de cet album spécial qui ne s'adresse pas à n'importe quel auditeur, mais tu le sais et tu me le dis souvent : beaucoup de mes musiques, surtout les "Bandes son" ne s'adressent pas non plus à tout le monde, toutes ces musiques étant anti-commerciales, mais quand tu vois par exemple le mal qu'a eu Jean Michel Jarre à se faire connaître au début et à avoir une bonne notoriété et ce n'est qu'un exemple parmi tant d'autres, et tout comme Pink Floyd avec leur premiers pas dans la musique électro expérimentale avec donc des débuts difficiles également, ils sont devenu plus que célèbres, lol !  Alors évidemment que cet album s'adresse à moi et tu le sais mon ami.
j'aime bien ce morceau mais je pense préférer le précédent, il faut que je l'écoute à nouveau pour te le confirmer.
je viens d'écouter à nouveau l'autre, et je les aime autant en fin de compte, bien qu'ils soient vraiment différents.
C'est en tout cas, à part le tout début, une musique très galactique je dirais, lol ! et donc très reposante et de méditation, cela fait beaucoup de bien à notre esprit très perturbé, controversé et fatigué depuis ce confinement et tout ce blabla politique, médiatique, médical etc... qu'on entend à longueur de journée, cela fait du bien de se déconnecter complètement de ce qui n'est pas la réalité d'ailleurs, mais une manipulation mondiale.
Merci pour ce bon moment de repos et réflexion musicale, lol !
Salutations amicales.


Picnicboy ha scritto il 04.05.2020 ore 14:17


Interesting Music.

LG, Pic😎

Jochen-S ha scritto il 04.05.2020 ore 16:29

Hi Franco,
interesting soundtrack of yours... nice Sound. ..
Greetings Jochen

Sandro_Glavina_Channel ha scritto il 04.05.2020 ore 17:26

An excellent team work - ciao da sandro

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Jinty ha scritto il 04.05.2020 ore 18:12

Hello Franco,

It's an excellent track,great team work!!!!!!!!

All the best,


Ganfo ha scritto il 04.05.2020 ore 18:56

Ciao Franco,

traccia lontana dal mio modo di intendere la musica, ma apprezzo il lavoro che, indubbiamente, c'è dietro, nella ricerca e assemblaggio di suoni. Ormai, in questo tipo di musica sei un vero professionista! Ciao

Ganfo 😎

gerrycix ha scritto il 04.05.2020 ore 23:05

Interessante viaggio musicale.....ottimo lavoro !

Ciao David