franco-galateo ha scritto il 11.10.2021 ore 08:39
Tags: Ambient, MIDI, Altro, Colonna sonora, Artista Music Maker


Franco Galateo and Sandro Glavina are the Frasan Galaglav.

Natural Alien Entities is their 38th album and apparently, looking at the cover in which Franco and Sandro appear with extraterrestrial features, one might think of a playful and self-deprecating approach (aliens or alienated?). In part it is, but when you listen to the tracks, you realize that the music has a good depth and there is no lack of elements of sound research and experimentation that has always distinguished the Frasan Galaglav.

Many musical genres mixed together characterize the songs on the album in line with MITS policy. Cosmic Music, Contemporary, Mystic, Psychedelic, Gothic, Jazz, Chill Out, Lounge, Space Music, Ethno Music, Funk, Ambient, Synth Pop. The ethnic solfeggio appears almost mystical in nature in “Canto della perduta stella”, the tension is high in “Dark Point” and the following pieces have their own spatial charm. Fluid is the approach in "Density 1022". In the tracks there are many self-produced sounds, not only using VSTi, but also using real instruments. (as in "Green Fire Comet").


Musical ideas, arrangements, performances by: Franco Galateo e Sandro Glavina

Produced by MITS (Musica Interattiva Totale Sperimentale)

All rights reserved

Creative Commons (CC BY–NC-ND)

Album Arworkt: ”NALENT” by Sandro Glavina


Franco Galateo e Sandro Glavina sono i Frasan Galaglav.

Natural Alien Entities è il loro 38° album ed in apparenza, guardando la copertina in cui compaiono Franco e Sandro con sembianze extraterrestri, si potrebbe pensare ad un approccio scherzoso ed autoironico (alieni o alienati?). In parte lo è, ma quando si ascoltano le tracce, ci si accorge che la musica ha un buon spessore e non mancano gli elementi di ricerca sonora e la sperimentazione che da sempre contraddistingue i Frasan Galaglav.

Molti generi musicali tra loro mixati caratterizzano i brani dell’album in linea con la politica MITS. Cosmic Music, Contemporary, Mystic, Psychedelic, Gothic, Jazz, Chill Out, Lounge, Space Music, Ethno Music, Funk, Ambient, Synth Pop. Quasi di natura mistica appare il solfeggio etnico in “Canto della perduta stella”, elevata è la tensione in “Dark Point” ed i successivi brani hanno il loro fascino spaziale. Fluido è l’approccio in “Density 1022”. Moltissimi sono i suoni autoprodotti, non solo impiegando VSTi, ma anche utilizzando strumenti reali. (come in “Green Fire Comet”).




J.olly.way ha scritto il 11.10.2021 ore 10:33

Hi Franco a nice gentle flow and picks up into a fantastic crescendo of brilliant orchestral music all combining together perfectly. Great to listen too and your written review of the track gives the listener a travelling experience just like a movie your vison becomes ours .excellent work again Respect from olly

Jochen-S ha scritto il 11.10.2021 ore 13:13

Hello Franco and Sandro,
very calm and musical soundtrack to float on... Class arranged...
Many greetings,
Jochen ...

Siggi-M ha scritto il 11.10.2021 ore 15:01

you have created a mysterious atmosphere 😮.Cinema Soundtrack 👌👍👽.


jeremy-curry ha scritto il 11.10.2021 ore 15:24

Nice ambiance, its beautiful and mysterious



Vecchio utente ha scritto il 11.10.2021 ore 17:25

Hi Franco and Sandro,

beautiful track in an ambient style with great atmosphere... marvelous, mysterious...really good job of you, guys 👌👍👌👏

All the best Bert

Sandro_Glavina_Channel ha scritto il 12.10.2021 ore 00:27

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Kryo ha scritto il 12.10.2021 ore 11:56


Pat_02 ha scritto il 14.10.2021 ore 17:32

Congratulazioni amici,
un'altra bella e buona collaborazione.
ed è bello avere VSTi mixato con strumenti veri, lo faccio spesso anche io, ci sono FX che sono fantastici, ma tutta la musica è, musica d'atmosfera maestosa come piace a me, tanto di cappello ai miei due amici e colleghi. Bravo in particolare per questo violino a cui hai applicato effetti, e altri suoni che vagano nelle mie cuffie e sicuramente mi trasportano nel mondo siderale o altrove...

Congratulations friends,
another nice and good collaboration.
and it's good to have mixed VSTi with real instruments, I do it often too, there are FX which are great, but all the music is, awe-inspiring atmospheric music as I like them, hats off my two friends and colleagues. Bravo in particular for this violin to which you have applied effects, and other sounds that roam in my headphones and surely transport me to the Sidereal world or elsewhere ...

Félicitations les amis, 
encore une belle et bonne collaboration.
et c'est bien d'avoir mélangé des VSTi avec de vrais instruments, je le fais souvent également, il y a des FX qui sont super, mais toute la musique l'est, une musique atmosphérique grandiose comme je les aimes, chapeau bas mes deux amis et confrères. Bravo notamment pour ce violon auquel vous avez appliqué des effets, et autres sonorités qui se baladent dans mes écouteur et me transporte surement dans le monde Sidéral ou ailleurs encore...