franco-galateo ha scritto il 31.10.2021 ore 08:39
Tags: Artista Music Maker, Altro, Chill-Out, Colonna sonora, Ambient, MIDI



L'energia nucleare è molto difficile da contenere

E giusto utilizzarla oppure no ; viene creata energia per scopi pacifici ma purtroppo anche per scopi bellici.

In tutti i casi il suo utilizzo ha creato gravi danni all'umanità , in questo album , racconto in musica , il disastro di Hiroshima .

Una storia che deve rammentare a tutti noi cosa può causare una bomba atomica, nella speranza che fatti del genere non avvengano più.

Nulla di politico , ma solo una presa di visione dei fatti , che inappellabilmente ci devono fare ricordare e sperare che il suo utilizzo sia solo per scopi energetici.


Ideazioni musicali, arrangiamenti, esecuzioni a cura di:

Franco Galateo

Prodotto da MITS (Musica Interattiva Totale Sperimentale

Distribuito in proprio - Diritti artistici riservati.


Creative Commons License: Attribuzione - Non Commerciale – Non opere derivate (CC BY–NC-ND)


Album Artwork : by Sandro Glavina



Nuclear energy is very difficult to hold And just use it or not; Energy is created for peaceful purposes but unfortunately also for war purposes. In all cases its use has created serious damage to humanity, in this album, I tear into music, the disaster of Hiroshima. A story that must remind all of us what can cause an atomic bomb, in the hope that such facts do not take place anymore. Nothing political, but only a sight of vision of the facts, which can be unaffected to remember and hope that its use is only for energy purposes.


Musical hettings, arrangements, executions edited by: Franco Galateo Produced by Mits (Total Experimental Interactive Music Distributed in own - Reserved art rights. MTKKI15-031118 registration Creative Commons License: Attribution - Non-commercial - Non-derived works (CC by-NC-ND)


Album Artwork: by Sandro Glavina


melson ha scritto il 31.10.2021 ore 09:55

das ist eine super melodie

Picnicboy ha scritto il 31.10.2021 ore 11:45


Wow, cool.

Very nice Melo and Harmonies.

But the Ending interrupts suddenly.

LG, Pic😎

Jochen-S ha scritto il 31.10.2021 ore 12:37

Hello Franco,
made very harmonious and melodic... But why is the end is the endo so suddenly?
Jochen ...

Vio-Project ha scritto il 31.10.2021 ore 13:53

Cooler Sound von Franco !!! Aber auch dein Anliegen (im bei gefügtem Text) ist sehr aktuell und macht nachdenklich !!! Danke fürs Hochladen !!! 👍👌👍👌👍👌

Vecchio utente ha scritto il 31.10.2021 ore 16:24

Hi Franco,

beautiful music and a thoughtful topic, but as the other said...what´s happened to the end, is there an A-bomb exploded😂...but the rest of your track is very good...👌👍👏

All the best


HellRaiser ha scritto il 31.10.2021 ore 17:42

Nuclear bombs should of course be completely abolished! But that remains a dream. Even nuclear power stations and all the nuclear waste are highly dangerous - we should know that by now. Your music is very pleasant and melodic. The rhythm goes well with it. Only the ending is completely unsuccessful ❤️

Siggi-M ha scritto il 31.10.2021 ore 21:16

Hi Franco, really great structure, I really like it. Also the cover by Sandro, excellent.


Selim-Cakiroglu ha scritto il 02.11.2021 ore 20:26

Very cool Rythmics and Vibes.

That can do make some senses and moves. The waves and melody are meditative.
