You are going crazy with this music, aren't you? Fun stuff and it keeps you (not YOU, but everyone in general) out of trouble!
I like this one too. I am not a big fan of vocals but that's because I used to teach music to little kids and I got sick of hearing them sing. It kind of ruined singing for me. But this doesn't have much singing anyway.
This "Beam-Sound" is annoying. Heard it quite too much in your songs! What I find really cool about your songs is the variation of the drums. Every song has its own style of drums.
One of your calmer songs, right? ^^
Well the vocals don't get me. But the fit into the song.
The end is different. I would put this somewhere in the middle. And the end is interesting. Here you could have made a fade-out. But the end is okay in this way!
das klingt doch schon mal verständlicher. Find ich gar nicht so schlecht. Die Vocals sind meist nicht zum richtigen "Zeitpunkt" eingespielt. Aber trotzdem: ich hab schon mal´nen guten Song von Dir gehört. Mach doch da weiter. Das würde mich freuen.