recording Bethoven first time

VisionWalker Posté à 06/06/2010 01:57
 My first recording Bethoven   ( Web Trio playing here in duo :
violin and  piano) Stereo recording  with Neumans KLM 184 in AB...
 The differences between the levels of volume were teribly larges...

The musicians :
David Bouchard and Eleonor Epp
 They are students in the concervatory of Strasbourg (France) and I liked to record Bethoven with them ... Very impressed by the maturity of the Violon player she is only 17!!!


datamix Posté à 06/06/2010 14:48
muy bueno
excelente sonidos


VisionWalker Posté à 06/06/2010 18:39
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merci merci  Datamix, même si je ne suis pas parfaitement convaincu

beabea Posté à 06/06/2010 23:48, das ist für meine ohren wunderschön und sehr gefühl- und temperamentvoll und nuanciert gespielt...ein wirklicher genuss...durch und durch...superschön, dass wir hier daran teilhaben dürfen... 5* und *fav*
ArtistW Posté à 07/06/2010 00:17
What should I say? No Samples, No VST (MIDI), No own composition but young and promising talent (in the classical realm of the music) and I love it.

P.S. I did not know this work of Beethoven (does not mean so much) but do you say in France "Bethoven" instead of "Beethoven"?
- I think the recording is well done. (Maybe Claudio Abbado would hear something here and there, not me.) 
Spartano Posté à 08/06/2010 09:37
Bravo! Exzellent! Ich habe nur 5* mehr sind nicht da
Herzlichen Gruß Spartano!

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


Frantzi Posté à 08/06/2010 23:17
Listen to this...
they can really play this what you are searching for....

This is not the Community for Players like you, but I myself hope to hear much more of those piecies of music from you, perhaps for you it´s just for fun... for many of us it´s really music...
For the technique of recording... Some of the higher tunes are not so clear, that I wish they where, they are sqeecking a little bit....

Thank you Bea for linking this...
Will link it foreward...
TommyG Posté à 09/06/2010 11:31
A really nice one, played very professional. Got the feeling to sit in a concert hall ... maybe in the future you and your friends will be heard in such a location. Congratulations, that sounds like heavy stuff and you handled it without any mistakes, as far as I am able to evaluate this nice performance.

LEFTHANDER Posté à 09/06/2010 15:56

it,s a cool Number , without mistakes.
Congratulations, very nice !

B.R. Detlef
Rana Posté à 09/06/2010 16:03
Thanks to Franz for forwarding a superb referral, may be the recording can be run through a compressor / limiter combination to mellow down the amplitude changes.

Recently at Dubai Quality Awards ceremony I had come across young maestro (may be 10 or 11 year old) who was just simply fabulous with violin. Check it out at . It is worth a listen.
Ancien utilisateur Posté à 09/06/2010 23:24
Interpretation vivante et émotions parfaitement retranscrites mais quelques "pointes d'agressivité" sur mon casque studio, cela vient peut être de mon casque qui ne suit pas la dynamique... En tout cas très belle interpretation 5*
Thanks Franzi for this link
Sandro_Glavina_Channel Posté à 10/06/2010 00:14
 F A N T A S T I C !!!!!!!!! ciao da sandro

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Soulbridge Posté à 10/06/2010 15:21
wow... my compliment.
Thank you Franzi, for this tip.
Wonderfull played. Congratulation.
5* and Fav

Thank you for this presentation.
VisionWalker Posté à 10/06/2010 16:23
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Bonjour tout le monde! Merci pour touts ces compliments, je les ai transmis au musiciens...Moi je n'ai pas le mérite de leur savoir faire musicale, juste la chance qu'il se sont adressé a moi pour les enregistrer...

Mais il est vrais que si je suis aussi souvent solicité pour ce types d'enregistrements c'est aussi parce que faciné par les instruments acoustiques et leur sons je n'aime pas utiliser des limiteurs et surtout pas un compresseur a l'enregistrement (et c'est aussi ce que recherchent beacoup des musiciens clasiques pour des enregistrements pour des concours.)



Je passe beaucoup du temps a faire des soundcheck avant de trouver la distance critique entre le son direct et le son diffus et je retouche presque rien au mixage... comme ce enregistrement -ci qui n'a absolument pas été retouché ( présente tel quelle a un concours) , mais qui a mon avis nécessite une petite quelque chose comme retouche égaliser, normaliser ou encore limiter comme la si bien suggéré  RANA!!

car malgré toutes les qualités que vous tous me félicitez comporte quelque imperfections que je n'ai pas su gérer a l'enregistrement faute du temps et problèmes techniques... Et comme je n'ai pas beaucoup d'expérience avec les limiteurs et égaliseurs en mixage et que Samplitude Pro c'est une vrais « usine a gaz »- voilà pourquoi touts vos conceils sont les bien venu.


VisionWalker Posté à 10/06/2010 16:42
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Hello everybody! Thank you for all these compliments, I forwarded them to the musicians ... "I do not have the merit of their musical knowledge, just the chance that they asked Me to record them ... But it is true that if I am too often asked for these types of recordings it is also because facinated by acoustic instruments and their sounds - I do not like use limiters and especially a compressor during the recording (and that is alsowhat are looking for many of clasical music musicians).

In fact I spend a lot of time to do the soundcheck before trecording looking for the critical distance between the direct sound and diffused that I almost do nothing anything in theduring mixing and mastering.

That's the case of this BEETHOVEN too asked and pres'ented like this for some competition by the musicians but this time I think I need here some a little something( what it could be?!?) like mastering may be equalizing , normalizing or « limiteur » as suggested it RANA!


I think it's nessear because despite all the qualities you all my compliment me many of you there are some imperfections that I could not manage during the recording missing time time and having heavy technical problems ... ( problems of cnnection between the saoundcard and the computer so had to record with some H4 that I couldn't observe as well the record or to adjuste it during the playing like with the computer...)

And as I have not had much experience with limiters and equalizers in mixing and Samplitude Pro is a real "gas factory"* - that is why all your Conceils wholes are welcome.


Thanks a lot Svetlana

* lol frenche expression to tell that there are multitude of possibilities!


VisionWalker Posté à 10/06/2010 16:53
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Hi Rana thanks for the link to the video of tyhe smal violonplayer! It's realy impressed me! The music , the recording of sound and filming!!! It's realy good did! It's very dificult to film or to do interesing some orchestra even if the solist is some butifulll woman or sweety girl like here even very virtuous! Nobody move with his body ( or almost not because from far for the camera and for the people seeting in front of TV)

But di you participated to this recording?


VisionWalker Posté à 10/06/2010 17:06
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«  Got the feeling to sit in a concert hall ...


Salut Tomy G,


Merci pour ton commentaire tout particulièrement car tu a écrie des mots qui me remplissent de beaucoup de fierté et d'espoirs que le but que je me suis fixé pourrais peut être se réaliser : a savoir réussir faire des enregistrements des concerts dans les quelle la captation de son est telle qu'on a l'impression d'y étre aussi. Mais parfois on est assis si loin qu'on entends pas toutes les petites belle choses que les instruments a cords font ou les pianist de piano preparé gratant sur le cordes de piano a que... Mais bon par fois je rate mon coup a force de vouloire recentir ce qu'on entend etand assi au premieres rendes de concert – icic on a l'impression que on assi sur le manche du violon... Mais bon un jour je réussirais je ne perde pas l'espoir...


« maybe in the future you and your friends will be heard in such a location » - Hope so too ! Lol que dieu t'entende!!!

redisland Posté à 10/06/2010 18:01
sehr, sehr schön
klasse arbeit

gruss dieter
VisionWalker Posté à 10/06/2010 18:10
"perhaps for you it´s just for fun... for many of us it´s really music"
Hi Frantzi, thanks for the message and the compliments! I'm realy glad that I can finely share with other people the plesure I have to listen and record this music..(some musicians are not agree I publish the records I do too..)
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No I don't do for fun but I have a lot of fun during recordings! Hm a lot of stress too! To spend time for the soundtests before the recording makes inpassioned and nervious some musicions... I don't do it for money so for the moment I can take time to do it as well I'd wish -  because I'm passioned by this!

But to recorde the sound and to be facinated by the music you record could be a problem too ...Sometime I have to control my concentration because the exiting is too high!!!

But it's less dificult that to film it with camera...

It happend I had my hands trembeling when I was filming a great musician from very close playing piano or guitare - I had to use finely an statif!!!

Lol just came from filming 2 festivals in Belgic and Germany...- it was realy not easy in front of realy good musician from many countries) I'll publish a few extraites I promis...

best regards Svetlana

VisionWalker Posté à 10/06/2010 18:26
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"Got the feeling to sit in a concert hall ... Hi Tomy G,

Thanks for your comment and especially the words that makes me fill very proude and hopefull that the but I'm mooving to could be realized one day : to do a recordings of concerts like you was at the first lines of the public.

But it could happen that even if you are realy there you sit so far that you don't hear all the little nice scratchs or wispers coming from the strings piano , violon or other acoustic instruments...

Sometimes I misse my recording by wanting catch all this smal sounds and wisshing you make you filllike you was  to be at the firsts lines at the concert but instead of that you fill like siting on the violn – lol!!! like in this recording I'm agree !

But I'm sure  one day I will do It better ...
"Maybe in the future you and Your Friends Will Be Heard in SUCH a location" - Hope so too! Lol hope that God heared you too!

Best regards Svetlana

Ancien utilisateur Posté à 10/06/2010 20:52
Bravo! Exzellent!

danke franz für den tipp

Herzlichen Gruß Beamish
MartinJr Posté à 10/06/2010 22:10
Thanks Frantzi for posting! This is indeed an excellent collaboration. The musical quality is outstanding. Bravissimo!!! 
I appreciate it very much to publish this original-composition by Beethoven here in the community and I did enjoy it to hear this wonderful recording. Numerous thanks for sharing.
Cosmozentriker Posté à 11/06/2010 09:50
 ...... Wow ....   

.... to me,.. sweetens at my morning.... wonderfully!! 

VisionWalker Posté à 12/06/2010 00:08
Thanks a lot every body!!! Here is the  exact name of the song :

 Sonate op. 47 _à Kreuzer_ Beethoven 1er mvt

wish you nice listening!

Ancien utilisateur Posté à 13/06/2010 06:43
beautiful presentation and just the place for a Sunday-morning.

all I need to write it.

