Darüber wird sich jeder schon Gedanken gemacht haben: Es liegt in unserer Hand. Nur anders gesehen, sind es noch viel zu viele Hürden, die man bewältigen müsste -, sehr schön
Ancien utilisateur
Posté à 15/04/2013 11:58
to have been composed only with loops magix, I would say that this song is great music.
I like the whole, in part by the rhythmic tribal and then very chillout, the melody, which follows a path between the ambient and film music.
the song flows well and is fun to listen to
I would say very well
Ancien utilisateur
Posté à 30/08/2013 16:18
Good choice of sound from the Magix loops.
The mix is excelent and the music has a feeling between ambient and indie.
Ancien utilisateur
Posté à 03/10/2013 01:07
super mélange comme l'oriental .... Excellente musique ! = 5*