das nenn ich mal ne radiotaugliche version... zwischen der werbung läuft 35 sekunden musik... und der nächste werbeblock kann starten...
aber collagist hat schon recht: "Zumindest der Titel ist geil !"
Ancien utilisateur
Posté à 12/01/2012 20:34
Thx all for your comments.....i agree with you absolutely...but i think i've aleardy mentionned that harmony is lost in the description...
I'm not experiencing a new wave of music, but neurophysiologically it's happend without thinking about it....
The Orgasmusic is not a kind of music, it's an idea. When i tried to express it with music, i lost the Harmony. Why?
Because, the Orgasm in music signifies the tekno, house and everything that stimulates the body and crack the Soul and could be synchronized with the brain in order to create that orgasm
Now i succeed to express the lost of harmony with music called "no music",,,,,you have to think about that!!!