Here's my last (and only third) work in 2022, I think. A nursery rhyme-like on a disco-rock rythm, with parts of electronica, made with my Korg Milnilogue xd synth, plus bass and drums (guitar parts are played on bass actually), with the great help of my softwares, trying to hide the fact that I still can't play bass, guitar or drums !
The words are :
(White knight) Le chevalier blanc est assez troublant,
(Black knight) Le chevalier noir aime son miroir,
(Grey knight) Le chevalier gris négocie son prix,
(Purple knight) Le chevalier mauve attend dans l'alcôve...
Nine knights night, who's wrong, who's right ? (x2)
(Pink knight) Le chevalier rose n'a pas eu sa dose,
(Red knight) Le chevalier rouge saute sur tout ce qui bouge,
(Yellow knight) Le chevalier jaune a croisé un faune,
(Green knight) Le chevalier vert est plutôt ouvert...
Nine knights night, who's wrong, who's right ? (x2)
Nine knights night, who's wrong, who's right ? (x2)
(Last knight) Le neuvième arrive, qui l'aime le suive...