Great song. This takes me on an ocean odessy. Very beautiful.
I have one suggestion, the ocean in the background is playing through the whole song. As beautiful as this piece is, I was drawn to the ocean in the background throughout the song. My suggestion would be to fade out your ocean effect at about :52 then fade it back in towards the end of the song at 3:43. This will allow the listener to zone in on the sheer beauty of the music you have so wonderfully composed and the vocals. This is just my suggestion.
Otherwise, you have done an outstanding job on this piece. Very impressive and creative.
Keep writing!!!!!
PS for all the re-edits on this comment...I keep finding things that I spelled incorrectly...
Bella l'idea, sviluppata molto bene, complimenti, 5* da tgfmusica, Gianfranco, ciao, come hai letto ho dato 5 stelle, ma ne continua a segnare quattro, ciao
Ancien utilisateur
Posté à 05/05/2015 15:50
effects typically style new age, music undoubtedly good quality, light and very catchy.
the opinion of this your work is without doubt positive
Bravo complimenti mi piace un ascolto molto gradevole ciao Pino
Ancien utilisateur
Posté à 06/05/2015 01:03
Hello Olivier
I think the sound has not fully recovered on my computer because everything is buzzing. I will listen again after this problem is fixed. OK? I want to do your song justice and hear it with good sound. I will be back
I'm back and this time I can hear your music! I think this is really nice and relaxing and would be a very good song to listen to if you cannot fall alseep (like I do every night!) Do you have a song that helps you stay asleep too?
I am just joking. I do not think there is such a thing but it would be very nice if there were!
Thank you for this nice song, Olivier. Sorry about the delay in commenting but as I said, my computer's sound was not working. Now it is working and I hope it continues to work!
5 étoiles et l'expérience qui arrive... il me semble que tu maitrises le programme maintenant, cela s'entend, tu vas enfin pouvoir affiné les samples et te créer un style bien à toi :) Tunes sur le bon chemin
Je t'ai mis 5 étoiles; 5 pour la technique,5 pour la mélodie assez plannante
Je me suis immergé durant 4"17 au fond des océans... (*****)
Hi! olivier28. Es gibt Tage, wo ich scharf auf Gesang bin ... in diesem Fall hier hätte ich sie mehr behandelt. Bestmögliche Varianten ausgekostet. Soweit von mir.
excuses moi j'ai pas tout écouter tes compositions, et c'est bien dommage d'ailleurs!, encore une fois j'aime ta construction, ces transitions, tout est parfaitement à sa place et forme une composition très agréable, c'est du bonheur pour les oreilles cette douceur, magnifique mon ami , dans mes favoris.