Fantasy impromptu de Chopin Op.66

Ancien utilisateur Posté à 30/12/2018 22:20

Hi ,


In my last performance of Chopin, I said it would be the last of this year. the reason for this last minute change, I would like to dedicate it to our friend and an excellent pianist, Trish, this piece "Fantasy Impromptu Op.66 " is particularly close to her heart and it is her favorite, but it was above all to encourage her in these difficult moments that she crosses...... I recorded it today with the help of my wife who is an excellent teacher in terms of art of interpretation in music, it is the 8th recording which was the final and approved by my wife ....... .and as always she was right;) That was an excellent exercice! lol, Happy end of year to all and good luck to you Trish

All the Best




robin109 Posté à 30/12/2018 22:53

Amazing music, beautiful composition and performance.
Particularly close to me because Chopin is our national artist.
Happy New Year in the sound of these beautiful chords Robert

TrishM Posté à 30/12/2018 23:43

OMG! Gringo! How many fingers do you have? Do you have insurance for your hands? They should be protected. Keep them safe. On my best day, i could not have played this piece like this. The end part which starts around 4:24.....I could not reach the big stretches because I have quite small hands.

This is truly an amazing rendition of this. The rhythms are difficult. It's almost like playing in 6/8 time in your left hand and 4/4 in your right in addition to having 4 sharps. (I hate sharps.)

Give my regards to your wife please. And thank you for your inspiration.


Revival Posté à 30/12/2018 23:47

Happy New Year, Master!


Ancien utilisateur Posté à 30/12/2018 23:50


I knew it but it was necessary to practice before the recording, all that touches Chopin, it is my domain. Thank you for giving me the desire to replay it, my fingers are assured yes ... :)

(my wife love it your performance too. )

franco-galateo Posté à 31/12/2018 10:44

overall I would say good .. light and pleasant music ... excellent composition


Maboe Posté à 31/12/2018 12:24

Wow! 👍

All the best for 2019!


Father_of_Joy Posté à 31/12/2018 14:55

That's a fantastic performance. My upmost respect!
A Happy New Year to you and your wife!

luigi-vigliotta Posté à 31/12/2018 16:30

Je pense que Chopin n'a rien à se plaindre, tu es très bon Gringo, félicitations !!
Bonne année souhaite à toi et à ta famille ...


Jinty Posté à 01/01/2019 16:22

Hello G,

Simply beautiful,you have my respect too!!!!!

Happy New Year...

All the best,


Pat_02 Posté à 02/01/2019 22:11

Aie ! l'ami,

un excellent choix pour ce merveilleux morceau de Chopin très connu.

je me sens tout petit quand j'écoute cela, car c'est une musique que je n'arriverai jamais à jouer, même avec la meilleure volonté du monde, et de la pratique acharnée, ce n'est pas pour moi, en plus j'ai le même problème que Trish, j'ai des doigts très courts.

Enfin bref ! laissons ces morceaux être rejoués par des super pianistes comme toi, lol ! et moi je me contenterai de jouer simplement mes improvisations, ça vaut mieux je pense lol !

En tout cas, chapeau bas l'artiste, tu as une sacrée dextérité.

Chopin aurait été encore vivant, il n'aurait qu'à bien se tenir, lol !

(Une petite remarque quand même, toujours la même d'ailleurs : tu sais que je suis très exigeant sur la qualité de l'audio, et là, une nouvelle fois, il y a beaucoup de bruit de fond qui perturbe quand même pas mal ce superbe morceau, cela est bien dommage. tu n'as pas les moyens mon ami, d'arranger la qualité de tes enregistrements, tu n'enregistres peut être pas sur logiciel ?) mais en direct avec un micro ? Mais bon, c'est juste un détail qui n'a rien à voir ton interprétation, c'est juste technique, lol !



Aie! friend,

an excellent choice for this wonderful piece of Chopin very well known.

I feel very small when I listen to this, because it's a music that I will never be able to play, even with the best will in the world, and hard practice, it's not for me, in addition I have the same problem as Trish, I have very short fingers.

Anyway, short! Let these songs be replayed by great pianists like you, lol! and I'll just play my improvisations, it's better I think lol!

In any case, hat down the artist, you have a sacred dexterity.

Chopin would have been alive, he'd just have to stand, lol!

(A small note anyway, always the same besides: you know that I am very demanding on the quality of the audio, and there, again, there is a lot of background noise which disturbs anyway this beautiful song, it's a can not afford my friend, to fix the quality of your recordings, you may not register on software?) but live with a microphone? But hey, it's just a detail that has nothing to do with your interpretation, it's just technical, lol!


Jcatman Posté à 04/01/2019 21:29

GG. I am very selective when it comes to the music I listen to. I do not review, I just listen and enjoy. I would not make a very good music critic. But a critic usually can not make music. "We just make music because we can". Excellent Piece my Friend. Best to you and yours..Jcatman.


Ancien utilisateur Posté à 04/01/2019 21:45


Thank you Jcatman,

in agreement with you, nevertheless,and not only a question of being able to do it, but also a question of passion for her ...

TrishM Posté à 12/01/2019 20:39

What a shame that there are people here that criticize that which should not be criticized. There is jealousy i think.

I'm sorry for this GG. You play beautifully


Ancien utilisateur Posté à 12/01/2019 23:25

Thanks Trish, I think they'd do better to screw up almost 25 years of paino now, to be able to criticize, but thank God, these posts have been erased

dan-t Posté à 14/01/2019 22:07

Re ....

Je découvre ton talent indéniable .... et reste scotché car je suis loin de ces performances. Tu fais des concerts, ou c'est pour ton plaisir?


Ancien utilisateur Posté à 14/01/2019 22:29

Bonsoir Dan,

Je le fait par amour pour la musique ;)

fetter339 Posté à 19/01/2019 01:11

Wow - this is just phenomenal... I like your approach better than Aschkenazy.

Ancien utilisateur Posté à 19/01/2019 01:14

Wow, is not comparable to Ashkenazy, but thanks for the compliment, fetter