Internal Error in Movie Edit 2015 Premium

joserobles1941 escrito el 18.11.AM a las 04:10 horas

Every time I open program,  Internal Error, No project info in delete undo project, File_intern CLcpp, Line 2023, message appears.  

I use Windows 7, have Intel 5 processor with HD4600 graphic card and 16gb ram. Technical department at Magix tells me to dowload Syscheck program and run it.  So I did  but could not correct problem.  I am still learning how to operate program so I might have made the mistake of not filing the material I am working on properly, that is I changed the folders when saving them several times.

I would appreciate your help so I no longer have that error message.   Also please tell me what causes it and if Syscheck is the only way to solve it.   I was thinking of uninstalling program and installing it again,  could this be an option?

Thanks in advance for your replies

José Robles


moderando escrito el 19.11.PM a las 13:10 horas


Aquí puedes escribir en Castellano, es mejor que usar el traductor.

Es bueno que sainetees reinstalar el programa, esa opción muchas veces corrige problemas relacionados a un previa una instalación incorrecta o archivos que se han pordid9 corromper.

Un saludo,