
franco-galateo escrito el 11.01.PM a las 18:47 horas

overall I think it is a good compositional work.. music of the good quality


mohnysh escrito el 12.01.PM a las 12:33 horas

beautiful, well thought out.
heard many music I have never heard before and absolutely love.
and heard many favorites.
thank you so much! 

Picnicboy escrito el 12.01.PM a las 15:38 horas

Moin, or Ciao.

Huuiii... this is a VERY good made Track.

I love the Sequences and their Harmonies. Brings a very nice and spacy Mood into the Music.

Really VERY good made electronic Music.

That´s a Style I really love. For me really GREAT ! ! !

LG, Pic😎