I was looking at some art to post with my new tune called Noise and seen a horned devil art work I liked. Yours has something in this that vein too. With the burned out car. I wonder what it means really. I imagine it was a terrible event. Not to hard to find them in the world.
Das Auto stand dort einige Tage ohne Nummernschilder und wunde dann nachts angezündet.
Die Nachbarschaft war entsetzt, zum Glück parkten in der Nähe keine weiteren Autos.
@hildegard-beister As one that spent 12 years as a firefighter, I have seen my share of burned out cars and this picture really gives me the chills. I don't know why. I never really thought about it much when I was going to the fires at the time. Something about this picture really gets to me. Thanks for sharing with us. ~ Veck