en su palacio de carton

carmelo-lobato schrieb am 02.06.2020 um 13:11 Uhr
Tags: Countryrock

in seinem Papppalast.

  Sie hatte ein gutes Leben und es fehlt mir nicht
  Seine Eltern waren reich und gaben ihm Bildung
  Sie hatte eine gute Schule und verliebte sich dort
  eines sehr armen Jungen, den sein Vater nicht akzeptierte.

  sein Leben veränderte sich und er musste leiden
  dafür, dass er alles hatte, und jetzt muss er gehen
  Der Krieg überraschte sie und sie mussten fliehen
  Seine kommunistischen Eltern suchten Zuflucht in einem anderen Land.
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  in seinem Papppalast, der heute lebt
  Der Krieg endete und ich ließ sie obdachlos
  Ihre Eltern konnten nicht, ihre Tochter hat
  an der Grenze wurden sie verhaftet, und sie wollen sie fucile.
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  Sie lebt abhängig davon, was sie ihr geben wollen
  Er steht sehr schnell auf und beginnt zu suchen
  in den Behältern etwas zum Frühstück zu essen
  Die Ablehnung bleibt zurück, sie muss kämpfen

  oft kämpfen sie um ein Stück Brot
  mit anderen Menschen, dass ihr Leben gesucht wird
  Nachts betrinkt sie sich, sie will vergessen
  Gestern war sie reich und heute ist sie obdachlos

  Wenn du auf der Straße lebst, kannst du nicht schlafen
  regnerische Nächte, ati lässt dich leiden
  du bist allein angesichts der Gefahr, dieser Ruhe
  dass es niemanden interessiert, dass sie dich töten können

  Die Jungs haben Spaß daran, die Bettler zu schlagen
  Oh, verbrenne ihre Körper, nur zum Spaß
  heute hat sie ihn berührt, eine Prügelstrafe erhalten
  Sie war sehr beschädigt, im Krankenhaus starb sie.

nel suo palazzo di cartone.

  ha avuto una bella vita e non mi manca
  i suoi genitori erano ricchi e gli davano istruzione
  Aveva una buona scuola e si innamorò lì
  di un ragazzo molto povero, che suo padre non ha accettato.

  la sua vita stava cambiando e doveva soffrire
  per aver avuto tutto, e ora deve partire
  la guerra la sorprese e dovettero fuggire
  i suoi genitori comunisti si rifugiarono in un altro paese.
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  nel suo palazzo di cartone, oggi vive questo
  La guerra finì e la lasciai senza casa
  i suoi genitori non potevano, sua figlia ha
  al confine sono stati arrestati e vogliono fucilarli.
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  vive a seconda di ciò che vogliono darle
  si alza molto velocemente e inizia a cercare
  nei contenitori, qualcosa da mangiare a colazione
  il ripudio è lasciato alle spalle, deve combattere

  molte volte combattono, per un pezzo di pane
  con altre persone, che le loro vite sono ricercate
  di notte si ubriaca, vuole dimenticare
  Ieri era ricca e oggi è senza casa

  quando vivi per strada non riesci a dormire
  notti di pioggia, ati ti fa soffrire
  sei solo di fronte al pericolo, a questa calma
  che a nessuno importa che possano ucciderti

  i ragazzi si divertono a colpire i mendicanti
  oh bruciando i loro corpi, solo per divertimento
  oggi lo ha toccato, ha ricevuto un pestaggio
  È stata molto danneggiata, in ospedale è morta.

in his cardboard palace.

  she had a good life, and I am not lacking
  his parents were rich and they gave him education
  She had a good school, and she fell in love there
  of a very poor boy, that his father did not accept.

  his life was changing, and he had to suffer
  for having had everything, and now he has to leave
  the war surprised her, and they had to flee
  his communist parents took refuge in another country.
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  in his cardboard palace, today living this
  The war ended, and I left her homeless
  her parents could not, her daughter has
  at the border they were arrested, and they want to fucile them.
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  she lives depending on what they want to give her
  he gets up very fast, and he starts looking
  in the containers, something to eat for breakfast
  the repudiation is left behind, she has to fight

  many times they fight, for a piece of bread
  with other people, that their lives are sought
  at night she gets drunk, she wants to forget
  Yesterday she was rich and today she is homeless

  when you live on the street you can't sleep
  rainy nights, ati makes you suffer
  you are alone in the face of danger, of this calmness
  that nobody cares that they can kill you

  the boys have fun hitting the beggars
  oh burning their bodies, just for fun
  today she touched him, a beating received
  She was very damaged, in the hospital she died.


Sandro_Glavina_Channel schrieb am 02.06.2020 um 20:41 Uhr

historia triste pero narrada de una manera muy poética - ciao da sandro

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA





Ehemaliger User schrieb am 02.06.2020 um 21:47 Uhr

Encuentra una historia triste también.  Con esta canción, muy bien contada.  Saludos desde Stralsund, Alemania SilverFuchs