Probleme beim Rendern des Menüs

Palazzo schrieb am 11.04.2024 um 09:24 Uhr

Hallo, leider klappt das Rendern des Menüs in meinem Projekt nicht, obwohl ich alles neu encodiert habe. Woran kann das liegen?

Ich nutze Video Deluxe 2024 Premium unter Windos 11. Alle aktuellen Updates sind eingespielt. Meine Grafikkarte ist eine Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 Super.

2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Start MAGIX Video deluxe Plus(
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [_Common]: DllPool::Host = true
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: **************************************************************************************
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]:
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER --
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: MX ID: 0x109e7
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: DXGI description: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: LUID: 0x0:0x109e7
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Vendor: 0x10de
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: ID/SubSys/Rev: 0x1e84, 0x870a1043, 0xa1
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Memory: 7.8154 / 0 / 7.9562 GB (video/system/shared)
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Flags: 0
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]:
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]:
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- Microsoft WARP device --
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: MX ID: 0x11771
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: DXGI description: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: LUID: 0x0:0x11771
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Vendor: 0x1414
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: ID/SubSys/Rev: 0x8c, 0x0, 0x0
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Memory: 0 / 0 / 7.9562 GB (video/system/shared)
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Flags: 2
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]:
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: **************************************************************************************
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Shutdown MAGIX Video deluxe Plus
2024/04/09 14:38:15 [INFO]    [_Common]: DllPool::FreeAllUnusedDlls
2024/04/09 14:38:16 [INFO]    [_Common]: DllPool::~Host
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Start MAGIX Video deluxe Plus(
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [_Common]: DllPool::Host = true
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: **************************************************************************************
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]:
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER --
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: MX ID: 0x109e7
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: DXGI description: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: LUID: 0x0:0x109e7
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Vendor: 0x10de
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: ID/SubSys/Rev: 0x1e84, 0x870a1043, 0xa1
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Memory: 7.8154 / 0 / 7.9562 GB (video/system/shared)
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Flags: 0
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]:
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]:
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- Microsoft WARP device --
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: MX ID: 0x11771
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: DXGI description: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: LUID: 0x0:0x11771
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Vendor: 0x1414
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: ID/SubSys/Rev: 0x8c, 0x0, 0x0
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Memory: 0 / 0 / 7.9562 GB (video/system/shared)
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Flags: 2
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]:
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: **************************************************************************************
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: User QT GUI is not defined.
2024/04/09 14:44:51 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Qt GUI renderer not explicitly set.
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: setting up pool sizes...
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: engine adapter 0x00000000000109E7: 7.82 GB (8391753728)
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: engineFramePoolSize - 2.35 GB
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: defaultBufferPoolSize - 471.62 MB (494525481)
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: defaultTexture1DPoolSize - 117.90 MB
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: outCachePoolSize - 553.71 MB
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: readerCachePoolSize - 2.30 GB
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: bitmapCachePoolSize - 1.15 GB
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: stagingTexturePoolSize - 1.11 GB
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: ... end setting up pool sizes
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: initializing MxGpuDevice...
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: found DX12 support - initializing MultiGPU
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: create DX12 device. feature level=49408, HRESULT=0
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: create DX11 device. HRESULT=0
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: setting private data - . HRESULT=0
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: CreateDevice: switching multithread protection ON
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: isSoftware 0
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: is ACG compatible 1
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: has monitored fences 1
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: has non monitored fences 0
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: has keyed mutex conformance 1
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: .. end initializing MxGpuDevice
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: CreateReaderPool() - creating reader pool on adapter 0x00000000000109E7 with size 2.30 GB
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [_Common]: Initial GPU adapter [#0x109e7]: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
2024/04/09 14:45:49 [INFO]    [_Common]: Initial video mode: Standardmodus (Hardwarebeschleunigung, Direct3D)
2024/04/09 14:45:50 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- CreateCpuVideoFramePoolAllocator --
2024/04/09 14:45:50 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: preferredSize: 331776000
2024/04/09 14:45:50 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: upperLimit: 5695292757
2024/04/09 14:45:50 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: PhysicalMemorySizeBytes: 17085878272
2024/04/09 14:45:50 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: usedSize 5695292757
2024/04/09 14:45:50 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- CreateCpuVideoFramePoolAllocator --
2024/04/09 14:45:52 [INFO]    [MxQt]: create QtDialog: Mainscreen/VolumeFaderDlg/VolumeFaderDlg.qml
2024/04/09 14:45:53 [INFO]    [MxQt]: load QtObject: Mainscreen/PreviewMonitor/PreviewMonitor.qml
2024/04/09 14:45:53 [ERROR]   [QtMessageHandler]: Failed to load Style for NavigationButton_QMLTYPE_157(0x3c2076b0)
2024/04/09 14:45:53 [ERROR]   [QtMessageHandler]: Failed to load Style for NavigationButton_QMLTYPE_157(0x3c208730)
2024/04/09 14:45:53 [ERROR]   [QtMessageHandler]: Failed to load Style for NavigationButton_QMLTYPE_157(0x3c204770)
2024/04/09 14:45:53 [ERROR]   [QtMessageHandler]: Failed to load Style for NavigationButton_QMLTYPE_157(0x3c2054f0)
2024/04/09 14:45:59 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: BurnSupport: 1 device(s) found
2024/04/09 14:46:01 [INFO]    [MxQt]: load QtFile: Mainscreen/StoryBoard/StoryBoardNextGen.qml
2024/04/09 14:46:03 [INFO]    [_Common]: RegisterApplicationForRestart()=Result=0
2024/04/09 14:47:36 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Load project Random 40 DVD.MVP
2024/04/09 14:47:37 [INFO]    [MxQt]: load QtFile: Mainscreen/StoryBoard/StoryBoardNextGen.qml
2024/04/09 14:47:37 [INFO]    [_Common]: CProgressDlg1Manager::CProgressDlg1Manager: semantic error - progress dialog not null
2024/04/09 14:47:55 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Brenntab
2024/04/09 14:49:17 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Arranger
2024/04/09 14:50:59 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Brenntab
2024/04/09 14:54:52 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project Random 40 DVD_BAK7.MV_..
2024/04/09 14:54:52 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2024/04/09 14:56:10 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Arranger
2024/04/09 14:58:13 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Brenntab
2024/04/09 15:05:30 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project Random 40 DVD_BAK8.MV_..
2024/04/09 15:05:30 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2024/04/09 15:07:30 [ERROR]   [ResortAllPLE]: GetOriginalSample: OriginalSample beyond FileEnd
2024/04/09 15:08:35 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Arranger
2024/04/09 15:09:01 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2024/04/09 15:09:02 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Brenntab
2024/04/09 15:15:57 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project Random 40 DVD_BAK9.MV_..
2024/04/09 15:15:57 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2024/04/09 15:19:38 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Initiate save project
2024/04/09 15:19:38 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project Random 40 DVD.MVP..
2024/04/09 15:19:39 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2024/04/09 15:19:40 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Export wizard opened
2024/04/09 15:19:40 [FATAL]   [DllPool]: IMXComDllPool::MxCoCreateInstance ClassFactory->CreateInstance(0x0000000000000000, {01802C3D-0837-46AB-9835-08422796D80B}) failed with E_NOINTERFACE
2024/04/09 15:19:49 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: BurnSupport: 1 device(s) found
2024/04/09 15:19:50 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: setting no speed limit
2024/04/09 15:19:50 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: DBK CBurnDevSupport::InvalidateDiscInfo(): 16 - burn support - invalid device.
2024/04/09 15:19:52 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: !!! AVSDK ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 209 - illegal type of disc !!!
2024/04/09 15:20:01 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: !!! AVSDK ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 209 - illegal type of disc !!!
2024/04/09 15:20:51 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: QueryDiscMetrics: (true == QuerySize) && (false == DiscMetrics.isDiscSizeValid)
2024/04/09 15:20:51 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: AbraShrink2: succeeded: chosen Bitrate=3427483 (SR)
2024/04/09 15:21:01 [ERROR]   [DiscMaker]: Call to CheckHDAndDiscSpaceForProject() failed
2024/04/09 15:21:51 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 1 of 5, Encodiere Film 1 ...
2024/04/09 15:21:51 [FATAL]   [Export - Engine]: PrepareSettings_AutoAdapt: Cannot push film settings to exporter (aspect ratio) CInfoException: 0x80070057
2024/04/09 15:21:51 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export Segments:
                                  1:    00:00:00 to 1:22:13:23 len=1:22:13:23 mode=Render
2024/04/09 15:21:51 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); and ExportDevice("CPU" - fallback for "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER") rendering to C:\Users\epala\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2024 Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Random_40_DVD\VTS_01_1.VOB started (MxMpeg2Intel-DVD\Longplay DVD PAL Video.prs|352x576i|1.33333|25 FPS|3000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|128 kbit/s)
2024/04/09 15:21:51 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); and ExportDevice("CPU" - fallback for "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER") rendering to C:\Users\epala\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2024 Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Random_40_DVD\VTS_01_1.VOB started (MxMpeg2Intel-DVD\Longplay DVD PAL Video.prs|352x576i|1.33333|25 FPS|3000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|128 kbit/s)
2024/04/09 15:41:43 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export 4934.0s finished successful (Duration=1192.0s)
2024/04/09 15:41:43 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 1 done
2024/04/09 15:41:43 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 2 of 5, Encodiere Filmmenü ...
2024/04/09 15:41:43 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export Segments:
                                  1:    00:00:00 to 00:30:00 len=00:30:00 mode=Render
2024/04/09 15:41:43 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); and ExportDevice("CPU" - fallback for "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER") rendering to C:\Users\epala\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2024 Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Random_40_DVD\menu_00.mpg from 0 to 1440000 started (MxMpeg2Intel-DVD|720x576i|1.77778|25 FPS|3000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|128 kbit/s)
2024/04/09 15:41:43 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); and ExportDevice("CPU" - fallback for "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER") rendering to C:\Users\epala\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2024 Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Random_40_DVD\menu_00.mpg from 0 to 1440000 started (MxMpeg2Intel-DVD|720x576i|1.77778|25 FPS|3000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|128 kbit/s)
2024/04/09 15:42:00 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export 30.0s finished successful (Duration=16.5s)
2024/04/09 15:42:00 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 2 done
2024/04/09 15:42:00 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 3 of 5, Encodiere Kapitelmenü 1 ...
2024/04/09 16:47:10 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 3 done
2024/04/09 16:47:10 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: PrepareDVDVideoFiles() failed with errNo 11 - user cancelled
2024/04/09 16:47:10 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: !!! DBK BurnProject: 1 - user cancelled operation !!!
2024/04/09 18:50:22 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Arranger
2024/04/09 18:50:42 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project Random 40 DVD_BAK0.MV_..
2024/04/09 18:51:04 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2024/04/09 19:01:05 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project Random 40 DVD_BAK1.MV_..
2024/04/09 19:01:26 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2024/04/09 20:03:22 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project Random 40 DVD_BAK2.MV_..
2024/04/09 20:03:58 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2024/04/09 20:13:59 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project Random 40 DVD_BAK3.MV_..
2024/04/09 20:14:19 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2024/04/09 20:17:07 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Open arrangement properties
2024/04/09 20:18:28 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project Random 40 DVD.MVP..
2024/04/09 20:18:28 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2024/04/09 20:18:30 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Mainscreen/VolumeFaderDlg/VolumeFaderDlg.qml
2024/04/09 20:18:30 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Shutdown MAGIX Video deluxe Plus
2024/04/09 20:18:31 [INFO]    [_Common]: DllPool::FreeAllUnusedDlls
2024/04/09 20:18:31 [INFO]    [_Common]: DllPool::~Host
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Start MAGIX Video deluxe Plus(
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [_Common]: DllPool::Host = true
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: **************************************************************************************
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]:
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER --
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: MX ID: 0x109e7
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: DXGI description: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: LUID: 0x0:0x109e7
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Vendor: 0x10de
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: ID/SubSys/Rev: 0x1e84, 0x870a1043, 0xa1
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Memory: 7.8154 / 0 / 7.9562 GB (video/system/shared)
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Flags: 0
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]:
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]:
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- Microsoft WARP device --
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: MX ID: 0x11771
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: DXGI description: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: LUID: 0x0:0x11771
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Vendor: 0x1414
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: ID/SubSys/Rev: 0x8c, 0x0, 0x0
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Memory: 0 / 0 / 7.9562 GB (video/system/shared)
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Flags: 2
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]:
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: **************************************************************************************
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: User QT GUI is not defined.
2024/04/10 13:15:21 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Qt GUI renderer not explicitly set.
2024/04/10 13:15:22 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: setting up pool sizes...
2024/04/10 13:15:22 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: engine adapter 0x00000000000109E7: 7.82 GB (8391753728)
2024/04/10 13:15:22 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: engineFramePoolSize - 2.35 GB
2024/04/10 13:15:22 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: defaultBufferPoolSize - 471.62 MB (494525481)
2024/04/10 13:15:22 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: defaultTexture1DPoolSize - 117.90 MB
2024/04/10 13:15:22 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: outCachePoolSize - 553.71 MB
2024/04/10 13:15:22 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: readerCachePoolSize - 2.30 GB
2024/04/10 13:15:22 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: bitmapCachePoolSize - 1.15 GB
2024/04/10 13:15:22 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: stagingTexturePoolSize - 1.11 GB
2024/04/10 13:15:22 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: ... end setting up pool sizes
2024/04/10 13:15:22 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: initializing MxGpuDevice...
2024/04/10 13:15:22 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: found DX12 support - initializing MultiGPU
2024/04/10 13:15:23 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: create DX12 device. feature level=49408, HRESULT=0
2024/04/10 13:15:23 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: create DX11 device. HRESULT=0
2024/04/10 13:15:23 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: setting private data - . HRESULT=0
2024/04/10 13:15:23 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: CreateDevice: switching multithread protection ON
2024/04/10 13:15:23 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: isSoftware 0
2024/04/10 13:15:23 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: is ACG compatible 1
2024/04/10 13:15:23 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: has monitored fences 1
2024/04/10 13:15:23 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: has non monitored fences 0
2024/04/10 13:15:23 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: has keyed mutex conformance 1
2024/04/10 13:15:23 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: .. end initializing MxGpuDevice
2024/04/10 13:15:23 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: CreateReaderPool() - creating reader pool on adapter 0x00000000000109E7 with size 2.30 GB
2024/04/10 13:15:23 [INFO]    [_Common]: Initial GPU adapter [#0x109e7]: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
2024/04/10 13:15:23 [INFO]    [_Common]: Initial video mode: Standardmodus (Hardwarebeschleunigung, Direct3D)
2024/04/10 13:15:23 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- CreateCpuVideoFramePoolAllocator --
2024/04/10 13:15:23 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: preferredSize: 331776000
2024/04/10 13:15:23 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: upperLimit: 5695292757
2024/04/10 13:15:23 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: PhysicalMemorySizeBytes: 17085878272
2024/04/10 13:15:23 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: usedSize 5695292757
2024/04/10 13:15:23 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- CreateCpuVideoFramePoolAllocator --
2024/04/10 13:15:33 [INFO]    [MxQt]: create QtDialog: Mainscreen/VolumeFaderDlg/VolumeFaderDlg.qml
2024/04/10 13:15:33 [INFO]    [MxQt]: load QtObject: Mainscreen/PreviewMonitor/PreviewMonitor.qml
2024/04/10 13:15:34 [ERROR]   [QtMessageHandler]: Failed to load Style for NavigationButton_QMLTYPE_173(0x36736ab0)
2024/04/10 13:15:34 [ERROR]   [QtMessageHandler]: Failed to load Style for NavigationButton_QMLTYPE_173(0x36732730)
2024/04/10 13:15:34 [ERROR]   [QtMessageHandler]: Failed to load Style for NavigationButton_QMLTYPE_173(0x36733e70)
2024/04/10 13:15:34 [ERROR]   [QtMessageHandler]: Failed to load Style for NavigationButton_QMLTYPE_173(0x367330f0)
2024/04/10 13:15:38 [INFO]    [MxQt]: load QtFile: Mainscreen/StoryBoard/StoryBoardNextGen.qml
2024/04/10 13:15:41 [INFO]    [_Common]: RegisterApplicationForRestart()=Result=0
2024/04/10 13:16:27 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Load project Random 40 DVD.MVP
2024/04/10 13:16:28 [INFO]    [MxQt]: load QtFile: Mainscreen/StoryBoard/StoryBoardNextGen.qml
2024/04/10 13:16:28 [INFO]    [_Common]: CProgressDlg1Manager::CProgressDlg1Manager: semantic error - progress dialog not null
2024/04/10 13:16:46 [ERROR]   [ResortAllPLE]: GetOriginalSample: OriginalSample beyond FileEnd
2024/04/10 13:18:05 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Brenntab
2024/04/10 13:21:00 [ERROR]   [ResortAllPLE]: GetOriginalSample: OriginalSample beyond FileEnd
2024/04/10 13:21:00 [ERROR]   [ResortAllPLE]: GetOriginalSample: OriginalSample beyond FileEnd
2024/04/10 13:21:58 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:21:58 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:22:04 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:22:04 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:22:06 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:22:06 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:22:06 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:22:06 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:22:06 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:22:11 [ERROR]   [ResortAllPLE]: GetOriginalSample: OriginalSample beyond FileEnd
2024/04/10 13:22:11 [ERROR]   [ResortAllPLE]: GetOriginalSample: OriginalSample beyond FileEnd
2024/04/10 13:22:33 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:22:33 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:23:07 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:23:07 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:23:07 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:23:07 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:23:07 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:23:07 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:23:09 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:23:10 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:23:10 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:23:11 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:23:12 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:23:12 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:23:13 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:23:14 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:23:20 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:23:22 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:24:05 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:24:05 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:24:16 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:24:16 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:09 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:09 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:13 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:14 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:15 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:15 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:15 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:16 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:20 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:21 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:22 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:22 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:24 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:24 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:25 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:25 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:26 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:26 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:27 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:27 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:28 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:29 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:30 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:31 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:31 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:26:31 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:28:59 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:29:02 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:29:03 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:29:03 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:29:49 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project Random 40 DVD_BAK4.MV_..
2024/04/10 13:29:50 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2024/04/10 13:34:52 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Initiate save project
2024/04/10 13:34:52 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project Random 40 DVD.MVP..
2024/04/10 13:34:53 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CBShowFrame: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2024/04/10 13:34:54 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2024/04/10 13:35:51 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Initiate save project
2024/04/10 13:35:51 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project Random 40 DVD.MVP..
2024/04/10 13:35:53 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2024/04/10 13:35:58 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Export wizard opened
2024/04/10 13:35:59 [FATAL]   [DllPool]: IMXComDllPool::MxCoCreateInstance ClassFactory->CreateInstance(0x0000000000000000, {01802C3D-0837-46AB-9835-08422796D80B}) failed with E_NOINTERFACE
2024/04/10 13:36:50 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: BurnSupport: 1 device(s) found
2024/04/10 13:36:50 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: setting no speed limit
2024/04/10 16:36:42 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: QueryDiscMetrics: (true == QuerySize) && (false == DiscMetrics.isDiscSizeValid)
2024/04/10 16:36:42 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: AbraShrink2: aborted because UsedSizeB <= DiskSpaceB -> OK
2024/04/10 16:37:53 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: !!! DBK CBurnDevSupport::SetMode(): 21 - no device !!!
2024/04/10 16:37:53 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: QueryDiscMetrics: (true == QuerySize) && (false == DiscMetrics.isDiscSizeValid)
2024/04/10 16:37:53 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: AbraShrink2: succeeded: chosen Bitrate=6856919 (SR)
2024/04/10 16:38:11 [ERROR]   [DiscMaker]: Call to CheckHDAndDiscSpaceForProject() failed
2024/04/10 16:38:28 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: !!! DBK CBurnDevSupport::SetMode(): 21 - no device !!!
2024/04/10 16:38:28 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: QueryDiscMetrics: (true == QuerySize) && (false == DiscMetrics.isDiscSizeValid)
2024/04/10 16:38:28 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: AbraShrink2: succeeded: chosen Bitrate=6856919 (SR)
2024/04/10 17:39:06 [ERROR]   [DiscMaker]: Call to CheckHDAndDiscSpaceForProject() failed
2024/04/10 17:39:09 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: DBK CBurnDevSupport::InvalidateDiscInfo(): 16 - burn support - invalid device.
2024/04/10 17:39:35 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: AbraShrink2: aborted because UsedSizeB <= DiskSpaceB -> OK
2024/04/10 17:39:43 [ERROR]   [DiscMaker]: Call to CheckHDAndDiscSpaceForProject() failed
2024/04/10 17:39:50 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: AbraShrink2: aborted because UsedSizeB <= DiskSpaceB -> OK
2024/04/10 17:55:09 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 1 of 5, Encodiere Film 1 ...
2024/04/10 17:55:09 [FATAL]   [Export - Engine]: PrepareSettings_AutoAdapt: Cannot push film settings to exporter (aspect ratio) CInfoException: 0x80070057
2024/04/10 17:55:09 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export Segments:
                                  1:    00:00:00 to 1:22:13:23 len=1:22:13:23 mode=Render
2024/04/10 17:55:09 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); and ExportDevice("CPU" - fallback for "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER") rendering to C:\Users\epala\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2024 Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Random_40_DVD\VTS_01_1.VOB started (MxMpeg2Intel-DVD|352x576p|1.33333|25 FPS|8000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|128 kbit/s)
2024/04/10 17:55:09 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); and ExportDevice("CPU" - fallback for "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER") rendering to C:\Users\epala\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2024 Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Random_40_DVD\VTS_01_1.VOB started (MxMpeg2Intel-DVD|352x576p|1.33333|25 FPS|8000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|128 kbit/s)
2024/04/10 18:13:42 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export 4934.0s finished successful (Duration=1112.8s)
2024/04/10 18:13:42 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 1 done
2024/04/10 18:13:42 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 2 of 5, Encodiere Filmmenü ...
2024/04/10 18:13:42 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export Segments:
                                  1:    00:00:00 to 00:30:00 len=00:30:00 mode=Render
2024/04/10 18:13:42 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); and ExportDevice("CPU" - fallback for "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER") rendering to C:\Users\epala\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2024 Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Random_40_DVD\menu_00.mpg from 0 to 1440000 started (MxMpeg2Intel-DVD|720x576p|1.77778|25 FPS|8000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|128 kbit/s)
2024/04/10 18:13:42 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); and ExportDevice("CPU" - fallback for "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER") rendering to C:\Users\epala\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2024 Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Random_40_DVD\menu_00.mpg from 0 to 1440000 started (MxMpeg2Intel-DVD|720x576p|1.77778|25 FPS|8000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|128 kbit/s)
2024/04/10 18:13:55 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export 30.0s finished successful (Duration=12.7s)
2024/04/10 18:13:55 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 2 done
2024/04/10 18:13:55 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 3 of 5, Encodiere Kapitelmenü 1 ...
2024/04/10 18:14:03 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CB_AddMenuVisual: CInfoException: 0x80004005 - too many tracks
2024/04/10 18:14:03 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 3 done
2024/04/10 18:14:03 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: PrepareDVDVideoFiles() failed with errNo 13 - menu rendering failed
2024/04/10 18:14:03 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: !!! DBK BurnProject: 11 - menu encoding failed !!!
2024/04/10 18:23:48 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: AbraShrink2: aborted because UsedSizeB <= DiskSpaceB -> OK
2024/04/10 18:24:11 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 1 of 5, Encodiere Film 1 ...
2024/04/10 18:24:11 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 1 done
2024/04/10 18:24:11 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 2 of 5, Encodiere Filmmenü ...
2024/04/10 18:24:11 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export Segments:
                                  1:    00:00:00 to 00:30:00 len=00:30:00 mode=Render
2024/04/10 18:24:11 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); and ExportDevice("CPU" - fallback for "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER") rendering to C:\Users\epala\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2024 Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Random_40_DVD\menu_00.mpg from 0 to 1440000 started (MxMpeg2Intel-DVD|720x576p|1.77778|25 FPS|8000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|128 kbit/s)
2024/04/10 18:24:11 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); and ExportDevice("CPU" - fallback for "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER") rendering to C:\Users\epala\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2024 Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Random_40_DVD\menu_00.mpg from 0 to 1440000 started (MxMpeg2Intel-DVD|720x576p|1.77778|25 FPS|8000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|128 kbit/s)
2024/04/10 18:24:22 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export 30.0s finished successful (Duration=11.5s)
2024/04/10 18:24:22 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 2 done
2024/04/10 18:24:22 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 3 of 5, Encodiere Kapitelmenü 1 ...
2024/04/10 18:24:30 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CB_AddMenuVisual: CInfoException: 0x80004005 - too many tracks
2024/04/10 18:24:30 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 3 done
2024/04/10 18:24:30 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: PrepareDVDVideoFiles() failed with errNo 13 - menu rendering failed
2024/04/10 18:24:30 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: !!! DBK BurnProject: 11 - menu encoding failed !!!
2024/04/10 18:27:12 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: AbraShrink2: aborted because UsedSizeB <= DiskSpaceB -> OK
2024/04/10 18:27:33 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 1 of 5, Encodiere Film 1 ...
2024/04/10 18:27:33 [FATAL]   [Export - Engine]: PrepareSettings_AutoAdapt: Cannot push film settings to exporter (aspect ratio) CInfoException: 0x80070057
2024/04/10 18:27:33 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export Segments:
                                  1:    00:00:00 to 1:22:13:23 len=1:22:13:23 mode=Render
2024/04/10 18:27:33 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); and ExportDevice("CPU" - fallback for "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER") rendering to C:\Users\epala\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2024 Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Random_40_DVD\VTS_01_1.VOB started (MxMpeg2Intel-DVD|352x576p|1.33333|25 FPS|8000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|1536 kbit/s)
2024/04/10 18:27:33 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); and ExportDevice("CPU" - fallback for "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER") rendering to C:\Users\epala\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2024 Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Random_40_DVD\VTS_01_1.VOB started (MxMpeg2Intel-DVD|352x576p|1.33333|25 FPS|8000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|1536 kbit/s)
2024/04/10 18:42:45 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export 4934.0s finished successful (Duration=911.5s)
2024/04/10 18:42:45 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 1 done
2024/04/10 18:42:45 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 2 of 5, Encodiere Filmmenü ...
2024/04/10 18:42:45 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export Segments:
                                  1:    00:00:00 to 00:30:00 len=00:30:00 mode=Render
2024/04/10 18:42:45 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); and ExportDevice("CPU" - fallback for "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER") rendering to C:\Users\epala\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2024 Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Random_40_DVD\menu_00.mpg from 0 to 1440000 started (MxMpeg2Intel-DVD|720x576p|1.77778|25 FPS|8000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|1536 kbit/s)
2024/04/10 18:42:45 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); and ExportDevice("CPU" - fallback for "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER") rendering to C:\Users\epala\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2024 Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Random_40_DVD\menu_00.mpg from 0 to 1440000 started (MxMpeg2Intel-DVD|720x576p|1.77778|25 FPS|8000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|1536 kbit/s)
2024/04/10 18:42:57 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export 30.0s finished successful (Duration=11.9s)
2024/04/10 18:42:57 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 2 done
2024/04/10 18:42:57 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 3 of 5, Encodiere Kapitelmenü 1 ...
2024/04/10 18:43:05 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CB_AddMenuVisual: CInfoException: 0x80004005 - too many tracks
2024/04/10 18:43:05 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 3 done
2024/04/10 18:43:05 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: PrepareDVDVideoFiles() failed with errNo 13 - menu rendering failed
2024/04/10 18:43:05 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: !!! DBK BurnProject: 11 - menu encoding failed !!!
2024/04/10 18:45:20 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Arranger
2024/04/10 18:45:27 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project Random 40 DVD_BAK5.MV_..
2024/04/10 18:45:27 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2024/04/10 18:46:52 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Brenntab
2024/04/10 18:46:56 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: setting no speed limit
2024/04/10 18:47:26 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: AbraShrink2: aborted because UsedSizeB <= DiskSpaceB -> OK
2024/04/10 18:47:57 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: AbraShrink2: aborted because UsedSizeB <= DiskSpaceB -> OK
2024/04/10 18:47:59 [ERROR]   [DiscMaker]: Call to CheckHDAndDiscSpaceForProject() failed
2024/04/10 18:48:13 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Open program properties
2024/04/10 18:49:20 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: setting no speed limit
2024/04/10 18:49:34 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: AbraShrink2: aborted because UsedSizeB <= DiskSpaceB -> OK
2024/04/10 18:49:52 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: AbraShrink2: aborted because UsedSizeB <= DiskSpaceB -> OK
2024/04/10 18:49:55 [ERROR]   [DiscMaker]: Call to CheckHDAndDiscSpaceForProject() failed
2024/04/10 18:50:14 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: setting no speed limit
2024/04/10 18:50:53 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Arranger
2024/04/10 18:51:12 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Open arrangement properties
2024/04/10 18:51:31 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2024/04/10 18:51:52 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Brenntab
2024/04/10 18:51:54 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Initiate save project
2024/04/10 18:51:54 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project Random 40 DVD.MVP..
2024/04/10 18:51:55 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2024/04/10 18:54:17 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: setting no speed limit
2024/04/10 18:54:35 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: AbraShrink2: aborted because UsedSizeB <= DiskSpaceB -> OK
2024/04/10 18:54:55 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 1 of 5, Encodiere Film 1 ...
2024/04/10 18:54:55 [FATAL]   [Export - Engine]: PrepareSettings_AutoAdapt: Cannot push film settings to exporter (aspect ratio) CInfoException: 0x80070057
2024/04/10 18:54:55 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export Segments:
                                  1:    00:00:00 to 1:22:13:23 len=1:22:13:23 mode=Render
2024/04/10 18:54:55 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); and ExportDevice("CPU" - fallback for "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER") rendering to C:\Users\epala\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2024 Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Random_40_DVD\VTS_01_1.VOB started (MxMpeg2Intel-DVD|352x576p|1.33333|25 FPS|8000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|1536 kbit/s)
2024/04/10 18:54:55 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); and ExportDevice("CPU" - fallback for "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER") rendering to C:\Users\epala\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2024 Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Random_40_DVD\VTS_01_1.VOB started (MxMpeg2Intel-DVD|352x576p|1.33333|25 FPS|8000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|1536 kbit/s)
2024/04/10 19:10:11 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export 4934.0s finished successful (Duration=916.1s)
2024/04/10 19:10:11 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 1 done
2024/04/10 19:10:11 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 2 of 5, Encodiere Filmmenü ...
2024/04/10 19:10:12 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export Segments:
                                  1:    00:00:00 to 00:30:00 len=00:30:00 mode=Render
2024/04/10 19:10:12 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); and ExportDevice("CPU" - fallback for "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER") rendering to C:\Users\epala\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2024 Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Random_40_DVD\menu_00.mpg from 0 to 1440000 started (MxMpeg2Intel-DVD|720x576p|1.77778|25 FPS|8000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|1536 kbit/s)
2024/04/10 19:10:12 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER"); and ExportDevice("CPU" - fallback for "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER") rendering to C:\Users\epala\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2024 Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Random_40_DVD\menu_00.mpg from 0 to 1440000 started (MxMpeg2Intel-DVD|720x576p|1.77778|25 FPS|8000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|1536 kbit/s)
2024/04/10 19:10:23 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export 30.0s finished successful (Duration=11.5s)
2024/04/10 19:10:23 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 2 done
2024/04/10 19:10:23 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 3 of 5, Encodiere Kapitelmenü 1 ...
2024/04/10 19:10:31 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CB_AddMenuVisual: CInfoException: 0x80004005 - too many tracks
2024/04/10 19:10:31 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 3 done
2024/04/10 19:10:31 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: PrepareDVDVideoFiles() failed with errNo 13 - menu rendering failed


Ralf-Wiessner schrieb am 21.06.2024 um 12:52 Uhr

Hallo Pallazo,
ich nutze die gleiche Version von Magix und bekomme auch den "too many tracks" Fehler beim Rendern des Menüs. Habe sowohl DVD als auch BluRay versucht, jeweils der gleiche Fehler.
Hast du eine Lösung für das Problem gefunden?

Danke und Grüße
