Thinking Bout You .... dan-t Posté à 25/02/2017 13:43 6 100 Balises: I've wanted to create here, a different atmosphere from what has already been done musically, for the voice of this young woman Raiche Wright .... Retour au message
Commentaires Jinty Posté à 25/02/2017 17:20 Hello Dan-t, Beautiful track, kudos to you!!!!! All the best, Jinty... ide Posté à 25/02/2017 17:34 Very well sung song 💆 Michel-Solo-Band Posté à 25/02/2017 20:05 Die voice ist für mich im Intro zu dominant und nicht ganz im Temp. Voice übernimmt den part den die music übernehmen muß....anders rum wäre besser. Ansonsten great song. fpescobedo Posté à 27/02/2017 02:29 very cool!!! Maboe Posté à 04/03/2017 21:15 A very nice song, beautiful voice - a fat LIKE from me! Mathias francis-b30 Posté à 26/07/2017 17:37 1