
HellRaiser Posté à 03/12/2015 20:05

No no no, what is this??? The sound is terrible!!! Complete disaster *

Antihuman01 Posté à 03/12/2015 21:03


thank you HellRaiser, my little friend, for your "comment": and know that actually the sound of NOTHING EVER was made on purpose to avoid dark asso***s like you !!  

You're just a little coward, HellRaiser...


P.S: jusqu'à preuve du contraire il est toujours plus aisé de critiquer l'autre, que de créer soi-même. donc bonjour chez toi troll minable !!  





smartsmurf Posté à 03/12/2015 23:15

This is definetely not a House track...

...and even when I don't speak French or understand the lyrics, "Hellraiser" is right about the sound.

Just too much overmodulation... needs to be revised.


P.S.: no need to insult other users...

Ancien utilisateur Posté à 04/12/2015 15:26

I appreciate your work, but I think the sound mix is too complicated and the result is that the track is not clean.
sounds too much !!!!!!!
however, I always appreciate the work of others courage !!!!!!!!!!


NorbertSN Posté à 05/12/2015 15:54

If you're "Antihuman", why do you even bother with this little, stupid forum?

Go, conquer the galaxy!

The track itself is okay, but the sound is way too loud (11 is louder than 10).

I agree being associal and I admire your wonderful attitude - NOT.