thank you HellRaiser, my little friend, for your "comment": and know that actually the sound of NOTHING EVER was made on purpose to avoid dark asso***s like you !!
You're just a little coward, HellRaiser...
P.S: jusqu'à preuve du contraire il est toujours plus aisé de critiquer l'autre, que de créer soi-même. donc bonjour chez toi troll minable !!
...and even when I don't speak French or understand the lyrics, "Hellraiser" is right about the sound.
Just too much overmodulation... needs to be revised.
P.S.: no need to insult other users...
Ancien utilisateur
Posté à 04/12/2015 15:26
I appreciate your work, but I think the sound mix is too complicated and the result is that the track is not clean.
sounds too much !!!!!!!
however, I always appreciate the work of others courage !!!!!!!!!!