
Maury Posté à 29/06/2010 00:59
...Veramente BRAVO!!! Mi piace molto il tuo stile...( qua ti trovo molto "Malmsteen"...)...davvero bravo!!   La prossima sarebbe bello una compo chitarra elettrica/ chitarra classica!! Ancora complimenti! Ciao da Maury
TomsRockHouse Posté à 30/06/2010 22:55
Good guitar work, good main theme, but the drums are annoying for me.
Fantastic agressive guitar tone at the end, starting at 06:01.
A wonderful part starting at 2:16. Reminded me at my favorite band Dream Theater. Great piano theme but the drums starting at 3:00 are destroying this part.
The piano together with the guitar at 2:25 is so fantastic! You should have worked on this! Unfortunately you played the guitar only one time.

I couldn't hear it twice - because of the drums. Sorry!

Guitarjams Posté à 07/07/2010 08:46
Great video work! Great tune!  Very Cool!

Ancien utilisateur Posté à 17/10/2010 13:13

excellent player guitar



Medox Posté à 03/12/2010 13:51


bin voll Begeistert von Dir/Euch beiden? coole Videos perfekt gemacht!LG Medox

Ancien utilisateur Posté à 07/07/2014 23:34

Hola colega... Me ha gustado mucho,,,,,,,,Lastima que yo no pongo estrellas,pero te pondria 5 por la creatividad,el video OK,pero la cancion es mucho mejor,me ha gustado mucho, Esta es una buena musica de Rock sinfonico en mis oidos,suena bien la Ibanez azul,Ibanez Series puede hacer muchos sonidos diferentes,Me gusta esta musica