How do you extend an object in Music Maker14?

James1982 Posté à 23/11/2010 21:29

I'm trying to make a piece of music not based on loops. So i go into edit midi object and start inputing notes/chords etc. But once i hit like bar 18 a green line appears and that appears to be the maximum legnth of my object. When i plan back the music, when it hits that bar it just loops to the start again. How can i stop this? I can't find an answer in the PDF manual or anywhere.


CBY_TLSE Posté à 23/11/2010 23:44



Double click on a MIDI object. In the MIDI editor, click on "-" close to "zoom" in the bottom right in order to extend the time scale (Step 2). This determines the lenght of the MIDI object.


On the top right click on the right of the yellow bar to define its end determining the end of the playing zone. You cannot extend it until the end of the window (why, I don't know), but...


Close the MIDI editor with "OK". Return on your track, the MIDI object has the length of your "zoom" (Step 3).


Extend the yellow bar defining the playing part until the end of the MIDI object (step 4).


 If you return in the MIDI editor, you can play the total length (step 5...).


(Reference MMM 15)



Procyon Posté à 24/11/2010 15:14

I have MM-15, and I've tried what you said.  The zoom feature changes the view, but you are still limited to 16 bars (measures).  While I've used the MIDI editor for short objects, I still don't completely understand how it is supposed to function timewise.  It is just not that clear or intuitive.


I recently tried to add a MIDI track to an exisiting arrangement to use the metronome feature, but when I did the metronome did not follow the track tempo.  There doesn't seem to be a way to change it.

CBY_TLSE Posté à 24/11/2010 18:41



Yes you can!


if I can... and it works. Begin with an empty 8 bars MIDI object.










Result : a 64 bar MIDI object. I have updated my previous post.



CBY_TLSE Posté à 04/12/2010 15:58



I have the French version of MMM15. I have found some improvements to the first method.


Step 1 :Test it with a new project.

1.1 zoom out to increase the time line


1.2 increase the yellow bar defining the playing zone,by exemple 36 bars.



Step 2 : Edit->create a new MIDI object->8 bars (empty). The new object is 8 bars long under a playing zone of 36 bars and begins at the beginning of the yellow bar.


Step 3 : double click on the MIDI object in order to open the MIDI editor.


In the MIDI Editor, zoom out to increase the time line (click on minus like on previous Step2 picture) : 


- 8 times : the time line extends to 64 bars

-10 times : the time line extends to 87 bars


Confirm with "OK" to exit. You return in the main windows and get an empty 87 bar MIDI object. Adjust the playing zone. Return in the MIDI editor and define your notes. You can extend it again by the same way.



nihon94 Posté à 05/12/2010 05:29



I followed the instruction by CBY TLSE in Magix Music Maker 16 Premium and could not add bar more than 16.

Refer screen shoot.


Thank you


CBY_TLSE Posté à 06/12/2010 18:58



Have you done steps 1.1 and 1.2? Your yellow bar defining the playing zone  is 16 bar long and not 36 or more as explained.


Perhaps I have a specific version of MMM 15, but I don't think so?

