Problem with two sidechains in the same channel

GFP escrito el 08.03.AM a las 11:37 horas

Good morning

I have read the manual and it is not clear what problem I have. Let me explain.

My DAW is Samplitude Pro X8. I have an electric guitar channel in which I have two ProQ3 plugins installed, which, using sidechain and dynamic equalization, attenuate the bass and percussion masks. I have verified that when I open the first instance, which is the one that attenuates the bass masks, the Q point also moves with the sound of the percussion, even though this second point is at a different frequency. And if I open the ProQ3 that attenuates the percussion, I see that the Q also moves with the sound of the bass. That is, both plugins act at the same time.

Also, since the two plugins are on the same channel, when I check the activation checkboxes for the instruments, I see that both instruments have the checkboxes activated, so they act together, and this is not what I want.

In Samplitude, when a channel sidechains with another, the first channel becomes an auxiliary channel and so this is where the problem lies. I think it is a problem with the sidechain routing in Samplitude and not with the plugins themselves, as I have found the same behavior even with native Samplitude plugins.

Samplitude is summing or sharing the sidechain signal on the same channel instead of keeping them separate.

How can I fix this?


SP. escrito el 11.03.PM a las 16:39 horas

@GFP I didn't have time to test this problem, yet. I recommend you ask the question in the official Samplitude forum at or contact customer support at to get a faster answer.

GFP escrito el 11.03.PM a las 22:13 horas

I asked the technical support question three days ago. I am still waiting for the answer.

SP. escrito el 12.03.AM a las 00:07 horas

@GFP Yeah, this can take some time. The longest I had to wait were 7 days. I recommend you to ask for a follow-up response after a week or to just create a topic in the Samplitude Forum mentioned above. Over there are also some Samplitude developers and professional users. It is likely you'll get a response there.

GFP escrito el 12.03.AM a las 00:39 horas

Thank you.
I'm afraid Samplitude can't do what I described above. However, other DAWs do it without any problems.

SP. escrito el 12.03.AM a las 03:07 horas

@GFP Maybe. If you do it in another way, for example placing the plugins on two different tracks?