3D titles on templates with Video Deluxe 2015I

joserobles1941 escrito el 25.12.PM a las 20:41 horas


First of all Happy Christmas to all members of the forum.

I am totally lost at trying to use 3D titles with animation on templates.  Would anyone be kind enough to give me instructions on how to do it.  I have used control T,  double clicking on the preview monitor but when I type text on the lower right corner of the template,  and double click on the 3D animation I have chosen,  this is not applied to the text in the preview monitor. I have however, managed to apply the general option but after that I try to give animation to the chosen text and nothing happens.

I use windows 7, with GA-97 motherboard, HD 4600 graphics, 16gb ram memory.

Thanks in advance for you replies.


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