
stuallan schrieb am 29.01.2014 um 18:33 Uhr

Openning up to 0:14 reminded me of television spy / action shows like "mission impossible".

Very interesting progression and excellent arrangement. Didn't quite catch the theme but thought this was very well crafted. Overall, I would say very well done.



Ehemaliger User schrieb am 30.01.2014 um 11:59 Uhr

it's your first song that I listen to, it is not the style of music I prefer.
but I must say that everything seems of very good quality, I might have avoided include these effects in my opinion ruin the melody of the song.
but overall the compositional idea seems good.


Ehemaliger User schrieb am 31.01.2014 um 20:08 Uhr

..ich kenne die Klänge und Geräusche auch(..), kann sie aber nicht namentlich erwähnen
..für mich ist es aber gut, dass man sie wirklich ganz gut für Soundtracks, wie dieses, verwenden kann
..hat mich ebenso gefreut

Beste Grüße, Nathalie