So, jetzt isses passiert - unser Norbert spinnt endgültig Diagnose: Midi-Tourette Also mal im Ernst: der Anfang ist vermurkst. Da knackt und knistert es, dass es nur so eine Freu... ääh ... Qual ist. Ganz schnell wird's klanglich besser. Dann kommt eine Melodie die so blöd ist, dass sie schon wieder gut ist. Naja (räusper) ich wollte freundlich sein (hier muss man sich aber auch ein Zeugs anhören ). Du hast deinen Spaß gehabt, das hört man. Hast dich bestimmt köstlich amüsiert als sich das Midifenster verbogen hat . Ich sollte meine Klappe halten. Von dem Midigedöns habe ich immer noch keinen blassen Schimmer. Mach ruhig weiter so, ganz doof isses ja wirklich nich. Voll mein Ernst. Ehrlich. Ich schwör. So, jetzt schnell weg hier ...
Great how you've embraced the freedom that midi offers, and are quickly showing us a much more personalised version of your musical brain. So this is what happens when Santa gets out of the wrong side of bed - and falls straight out of the window? Wonderfully offbeat stuff, brilliantly handled, and a perfect antidote to too much pre Chsitmas, sweet sickliness, without going overboard.
Works for me, big time.
Ehemaliger User
schrieb am 11.12.2015 um 12:17 Uhr
very nice this track in Christmas style, the style we say dance makes it truly unique.
I think you did a track without doubt very special, but interesting.
we say it is a great wish of Happy Holidays in music
very good
What have you done here, really bro, what have you gone and done?
Santa's upset, got him jumping in and outta slays at 130BPM, much faster than the traditional sleigh ride from the 60's version (I remember that slay sounding like a peaceful machine, not a launch vehicle for NASA!)
Really though, you have taken an already addictive festive song and put it into a techno/trance piece. You never cease to amaze me, you never do!
I could hear the distortion mentioned previously, but mate, the VST's have a natural oddity to there sound which is so ridiculously hard to get sounding how you want with the EQ. And once it had another VST in front of it playing, the sound dissipated and was no longer an issue.
It has a bouncy beat, that is fast, and suits lyrics most certainly. But I am not here to talk lyrics, I came here to listen (for the 5th time) and review this piece so I shall continue on...
I love the reverbed bells and the synth you matched them up to with the delay/echo work. Even the gentle background notes that play alongside the known melody are slick. Then it goes wraaaaaahhhhh!!!!! and drops the first beat.
I think oh yeah, here it starts. Then another wraaaaaahhhh!!!!! And that's where I hear DJ /\/('_')RB drop it like it's hot.
All these waaah-ing sounds popping bro, love it. Then the crunchy, yet very, very smooth sounding bass, that gets matched with trumpets.... Niiiiiice!
I love the different bass notes throughout the piece. Fantastic worksmanship bro.
There are a couple of notes in here I recognize bro. The sound fields are different, but I definitely do recognize them. And they sound good here bro - I wish I knew the VST names but "Hip Hop 6" has limited features, and is a bugger to use. Put a VST in the mix and blue screens with long intermittent pauses are a regular thing.
I love the fact you can hear the original jingle bells tune, yet, it somehow has a different tone that is composed in your style of awesome!